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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Documents & Filings

These links provide all you need to know about FERC decisions, notices and how to file comments with the Commission.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission no longer will accept mail or packages for interoffice delivery that are not official filings (pursuant to 18 CFR 385.2001) or are not related to or do not specifically reference a docketed proceeding. All mail and packages for FERC staff or offices must be sent via a commercial mail or delivery service such as the U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, FedEx or DHL.

Any mail or packages left at FERC for delivery and not specifically referencing a docketed proceeding will be discarded.

Recent Highlights

Decisions & Notices
A collection of Delegated Orders, Notices, and Commission Decisions from Commission Meetings or Notational Voting arranged by date.

Notice Formats
Some Commission regulations require the inclusion of a form of notice with the filing and require specified formats. These formats include headings, informational content, and similar, non-substantive matters.

FERC Online
FERC Online provides customers with an easy and efficient way to communicate with and do business with the Commission. Read more | eRegister

    eComment - An email-like system for individuals to submit up to 6,000 characters of text comments in P (Hydro), PF and PT (Pre-Filing), and CP (Gas Pipeline projects) Dockets. eRegistration is not required. Non-individuals and persons filing a motion to intervene must eRegister and use the eFiling link below. Read More

    eRegister - Individuals must register with the Commission to obtain access to all the FERC Online applications. Read More

    eFiling - Electronically submit qualified documents to FERC in lieu of paper filings. Read More

    eSubscription - Users subscribe or 'sign up' for specific dockets and are notified via email about future correspondence. Users have immediate access to the correspondence or documents in eLibrary. Read More

    eService - View the official mailing list or service list for a docketed proceeding. Read More

    eLibrary - Users have access to over two million documents related to specific docketed proceedings with over ten million pages through the FERC Website. Read More

    Company Registration - Request a new or modify an existing Company Identifier that will permit the registered company to make eTariff filings. Read More

Required filers file structured data (forms) electronically and by hard copy.

Information for required filers on making electronic tariff filings starting April 1, 2010.

Corporate Officials
Regulated entities must designate at least one, but not more than two, corporate officials or other persons to receive service of complaints, petitions for declaratory order, show cause orders, data requests, investigatory letters or other documents where a person to receive service has not otherwise been designated under Commission regulations.

Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR)
The EQR is the method FERC uses for public utilities to fulfill their responsibility under section 205(c) of the FPA to have rates on file in a convenient form and place, as well as for some non-public utilities to meet their requirements under section 220 of the FPA.

Information Collections
Display of the Commission’s information collection identifiers, Office of Management and Budget control numbers, and expiration dates.