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Experience an Assessment

NAEP assessment on tablet during live administration.

Experience an assessment!

  • Watch tutorials given to students before taking a digitally based assessment.
  • View sample questions and student responses from previous assessments and see scoring guides on how assessments are evaluated.
  • Explore innovative and interactive tasks that are part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
  • Download survey questionnaires that are given to students, teachers, and school administrators who participate in an assessment.

Experience the 2019 Tutorials

En Español

The transition of NAEP assessments from pencil and paper to touch-screen tablets incorporates cutting-edge learning technologies. At the beginning of each assessment, students take a brief, interactive tutorial designed to teach them about the system and the tools they will use to take the assessment.

The 2019 assessment tutorials are designed for a particular NAEP-provided tablet with a specific screen size. You may need to make one or more of the following adjustments in order to ensure an optimal viewing experience:

  • Please view the tutorials using a device with a 12-inch or larger screen.
  • It is recommended that you update your browser to the latest version.
  • While the tutorials can be viewed in most browsers, Chrome is recommended for the best user experience. Optimal viewing may not be achieved using the Safari browser.

Digitally based assessment tutorials.
Digitally Based Assessment 2019 Tutorials

Sample Questions and Scoring Guides

Student answering a sample question on a tablet.

Subject-area questions measure what students know and can do in various subjects at grades 4, 8, and 12. Questions are developed based on specifications in the subject-area framework created by the National Assessment Governing Board, and are usually presented in two 25-minute blocks of questions.

Questions are multiple-choice or constructed-response, where students provide their own answers rather than selecting an option from a list. Released questions from past NAEP assessments, as well as scoring guides and actual student responses for constructed-response questions, can be found in the NAEP Questions Tool and our Sample Questions Booklets archive.

Try Science Interactive Tasks

Students in science laboratory working on hands-on science task.

Explore the hands-on tasks (HOTs) and interactive computer tasks (ICTs) from the science assessment.

HOTs provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to engage in science as scientists do by showing how well they are able to reason through complex scientific problems, plan and conduct scientific investigations, and apply their scientific knowledge in real-world contexts.

ICTs simulate natural settings and laboratories to allow students to virtually conduct experiments and demonstrate their knowledge of scientific methods, process, and procedures. Try a few tasks yourself!

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Try a Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) Assessment Task

The TEL assessment measures whether students are able to apply technology and engineering skills to real-life situations. TEL is computer-based and uses interactive scenario-based tasks to gauge what students know and can do. Try out some sample TEL tasks from the recent 2014 assessment.

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Explore Survey Questionnaires

NAEP Survey Questionnaires logo.

These questionnaires are given to students, teachers, and school administrators who participate in an assessment. The questionnaires are used to collect additional information about student experiences in and out of the classroom. This data helps place achievement results into context and allows meaningful comparison between student groups. Explore actual survey questionnaires available in PDF format that are completed by students, teachers, and schools.

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Last updated 14 December 2018 (DS)