Report Government
Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Training Programs

FY 2019 Training Program Descriptions

The Training Institute of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

Audit Peer Review (APR):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
February 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 APR-1901
February 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 APR-1902
August 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 APR-1903
August 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 APR-1904

Program Description: CIGIE member OIGs developed the Guide for Conducting External Peer Reviews of the Audit Organizations of Federal Offices of Inspector (CIGIE Audit Peer Review Guide) to help ensure member compliance with Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book). Those standards require agencies performing audits undergo external peer reviews at least once every three years. This training program highlights the key aspects of the CIGIE Guide and is delivered to coincide with CIGIE’s approved audit peer review schedule.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn how to conduct an external peer review using the CIGIE Audit Peer Review Guide as a reference. Specifically, participants will walk through how to plan, perform, and report the results of a peer review through discussions and exercises. Participant reference materials include examples from past peer reviews and helpful checklists for reviewers.

Recommended Attendees: Registration is ONLY open to those CIGIE-member audit staff or managers (regardless of level) directly involved in conducting an upcoming external peer review of a CIGIE member or those receiving a review per the CIGIE peer review schedule. If your OIG is not involved in conducting or receiving an upcoming Audit peer review, you cannot attend this training program. Staff from non-CIGIE member offices may NOT attend this training program. Registration information will be sent to the training officer(s) at the scheduled OIGs in advance of the training (per the peer review schedule). Staff from non-CIGIE member offices may NOT attend this training program.

Instructional Delivery: 1 day; group live.

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: Participants should review the CIGIE Audit Peer Review Guide prior to attending class.

CPE: 8.0 (Auditing-Governmental)


Coaching Effective Writing (CEW):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
April 9-10, 2019 Washington, D.C. $500 CEW-1901
May 29-30, 2019 Washington, D.C. $500 CEW-1902
July 16-17, 2019 Washington, D.C. $500 CEW-1903
September 5, 2019
(half day CoP)
Washington D.C. $0 All prior classes

Program Description: Supervisors provide feedback to their staff on written products to ensure compliance with CIGIE (Quality Standards for Federal Offices of Inspector General) and other standards, such as Government Auditing Standards and Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation, and Quality Standards for Investigations. Supervisors, however, often spend more time rewriting documents because they find it difficult to coach their subordinates on how to write acceptable drafts. This advanced-level training program is one of three writing classes offered by the Academy. The others are Writing Fundamentals and Planning, Organizing, and Writing Effective Reports.

Learning Objectives: Participants will discover their own writing style and personal preferences. Once participants understand why they make changes they will learn strategies to more effectively deliver feedback to staff explaining the underlying reasons why changes were needed. Over time, receiving quality feedback should enable staff to submit better written drafts that require less review time. Participants have the opportunity, after completing the two-day class, to attend a half-day community of practice (CoP) session to share document review strategies and lessons learned from coaching staff.

Recommended Attendees: Auditor, inspector, evaluator and investigator supervisors or managers who review draft documents should attend the class. Other supervisory or managerial-level professionals who review written products may also benefit from this training.

Instructional Delivery: 2 days; group live.

Prerequisites: Attendees are encouraged to attend Planning, Organizing, and Writing Effective Reports before this training program.

Advanced Preparation: Prior to attending the class, participants must complete brief reading and writing assignments that will be distributed after participants are registered. Registered participants are also required to bring writing samples with them to class. Specifically, such writing samples should be from their staff members and include the participants “before-and-after” review comments and/or staff member drafts that the participants have yet to review.

CPE: 13.0 (Communications and Marketing)



Critical Thinking Skills (CTS):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
October 23-25, 2018 Washington, D.C. $575 CTS-1901
January 15-17, 2019 Bay Pines, FL $575 CTS-1902
May 14-16, 2019 Washington, D.C. $575 CTS-1903
August 20-22, 2019 Washington, D.C. $575 CTS-1904

Program Description: Quality Standards for Federal Offices of Inspector General identify critical thinking skills as a core competency. All CIGIE-member staff should possess the skills to logically collect and process information in conducting their work. This overview-level training program will help participants to better understand how and why they think, as well as recognize the barriers that prevent them from thinking more clearly, making better informed decisions, and taking more effective actions.

Learning Objectives: Through this highly interactive class, participants will learn how to apply a variety of good thinking concepts in conducting work in their offices. Specifically, participants will able to use the elements of reasoning; apply Socratic questioning; distinguish between problem solving and decision making; and detect logical fallacies.

Recommended Attendees: CIGIE member auditors, inspectors, evaluators, and investigators who want to improve their job performance by sharpening their mental skills and problem solving abilities should attend this class. Other CIGIE-member professionals may also benefit from this training.

Instructional Delivery: 3 days; group live.

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: Participants must complete a thinking style self-assessment and provide a real-life example of when better critical thinking skills could have been used. Instructions will be provided to all registered participants in advance of the class.

CPE: 21.0 (Auditing –Governmental [14.0] and Communications and Marketing [7.0])



Inspection and Evaluation Fundamentals (IEF):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
January 7-10, 2019 Washington, D.C. $525 IEF-1901
May 6-9, 2019 Washington, D.C. $525 IEF-1902
August 12-15, 2019 Washington, D.C. $525 IEF-1903

Program Description: Grounded in CIGIE’s Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation (Blue Book), this basic-level training program is designed to introduce participants to the fundamentals of inspection and evaluation (I&E) work in the federal Inspector General community. This team-based class includes group discussions and exercises, a mock evaluation case study, and various networking opportunities with CIGIE-member colleagues.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants will:

  • receive an introduction to the Blue Book standards to understand the importance of following standards, the concepts behind the standards, and how the standards shape I&E work;
  • learn how planning is vital to the success of a project/review, understand the importance of developing solid research questions, and know how to develop an evaluation work plan;
  • understand that adequate and sufficient evidence, and the thorough analysis of that evidence, is vital for the completion of a successful I&E project/review,
  • be able to draw a conclusion from findings and compose an effective recommendation, and know the importance of follow-up to ensure that recommendations are implemented so that positive change occurs.

Recommended Attendees: CIGIE I&E professionals who have not taken basic inspection and evaluation training and/or conducted I&E work in accordance with the Blue Book should attend. This training program is not designed for CIGIE-member audit professionals who conduct work under Government Auditing Standards (see the Introductory Auditor (IA) class for that training). If you are not currently conducting work in accordance with Blue Book standards, you should not attend this training program.

Instructional Delivery: 4 days; group live.

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: Participants should review the Blue Book prior to attending class

CPE: 25.5 (Specialized Knowledge)



I&E Peer Review (IEPR):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
February 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 IEPR-1901
August 2019 Washington, D.C. $0 IEPR-1902

Program Description: CIGIE member OIGs developed the Guide for Conducting Peer Reviews of Inspection and Evaluation Organizations of Federal Offices of Inspector General (CIGIE I&E Peer Review Guide) to help ensure member compliance with Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation (Blue Book). This overview-level training program highlights the key aspects of the CIGIE Guide and is delivered to coincide with CIGIE’s approved I&E peer review schedule.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn how to conduct a peer review using the CIGIE I&E Peer Review Guide as a reference. Specifically, participants will understand how to plan, perform, and report the results of a peer review through discussions and exercises.

Recommended Attendees: Registration is ONLY open to those CIGIE-member I&E staff directly involved in conducting a peer review of a CIGIE member or those receiving a review per the CIGIE I&E Peer Review Guide and peer review schedule. Registration information will be sent to the identified OIG staff in advance of the training. If your OIG is not involved in conducting or receiving an upcoming I&E peer review, you cannot attend this training program. Staff from non-CIGIE member offices may NOT attend this training program.

Instructional Delivery: 1 day (estimated); group live

Prerequisites: TBD

Advanced Preparation: Participants should review the Guide for Conducting Peer Reviews of Inspection and Evaluation Organizations of Federal Offices of Inspector General.

CPE: 7.0 (Specialized Knowledge)


IG Authorities (IGA):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
February 26-27, 2019 Washington, D.C. $225 IGA-1901
June 4-5, 2019 Washington, D.C. $225 IGA-1902

Program Description: The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-409) established CIGIE as an independent entity within the executive branch. CIGIE comprises all Inspectors General (IGs) whose offices are established under section 2 or section 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), those that are Presidentially appointed/Senate-confirmed and those that are appointed by agency heads (designated federal entities).  These laws impose certain requirements on federal IGs and afford them discretionary authorities to fulfill their duties. This interactive class is taught by attorney instructors from within the CIGIE community and includes discussions on the authorities available, such as under the IG Empowerment Act of 2016, to IG staff that conduct audits, inspections, evaluations, and investigations.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this training program, participants will understand the:

  • Purpose and general framework of the IG Act of 1978, as amended;
  • Mandatory obligations discretional authorities afforded to OIGs under the IG Act, as well as limitations(?) and restrictions on those authorities;
  • Importance of IG independence and what it means in practice; and
  • Dual reporting role OIGs and the challenges and opportunities in presents in conducting oversight.

Recommended Attendees: Auditors, inspectors, evaluators, investigators, attorneys, and mission-support personnel at all grade levels should attend this overview-level training program to better understand what mandatory and discretionary authorities they have in conducting work in their respective IG offices.

Instructional Delivery: 1.5 days; group live.

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

CPE: 9.5 (Business Law)



Introductory Auditor (IA):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
December 4-12, 2018 (CANCELLED) Washington, D.C. $750 IA-1901
January 29-February 6, 2019 Washington, D.C. $750 IA-1901A
March 12-20, 2019 Washington, D.C. $750 IA-1902
June 18-26, 2019 Washington, D.C. $750 IA-1903
September 10-18, 2019 Washington, D.C. $750 IA-1904

Program Description: To effectively conduct their work, CIGIE-member auditors need to know and apply Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book). In this basic training program, participants will learn how to implement Yellow Book standards in conducting daily work by applying an audit case study and participating in a variety of interactive team exercises.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this basic-level program, participants will be able to:

  • Develop and plan a specific audit objective;
  • Identify types of fraud, attributes of a fraud, and fraud indicators;
  • Apply the evidence standards to identify the types of evidence;
  • Analyze and document collected evidence;
  • Conduct an audit interview;
  • Draft a quality audit report segment; and
  • Employ best practices for verbally communicating audit results.

Recommended Attendees: Auditors with less than six months of experience in the federal Inspector General community and those who have limited experience in conducting federal government or performance audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards should attend this training program. This training program is not designed for inspection and evaluation professionals who conduct work under CIGIE’s Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation (Blue Book). Please refer to the I&E Fundamentals (IEF) class description. This training program is not recommended for non-auditors.

Instructional Delivery: 7 days; group live.

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: Prior to attending class, participants should review the Yellow Book as well prepare to deliver an informal and brief presentation on their respective IG office to fellow participants. More detailed information will be provided to registered participants in advance of the training program.

CPE: 48.0 (Auditing-Governmental [35.0] and Communications and Marketing [13.0])



Intermediate Auditor (IMA):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
November 26-30, 2018 Washington, D.C. $550 IMA-1901
April 1-5, 2019 Washington, D.C. $550 IMA-1902
June 17-21, 2019 Washington, D.C. $550 IMA-1903

Program Description: After implementing the fundamentals of Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book) CIGIE-member auditors need to gain additional experience and take greater responsibility for managing work and resources in conducting performance audits. This training program provides opportunities for participants to develop and practice new auditing skills.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the intermediate-level program, participants will be able to:

  • identify and implement the requirements for adequate audit planning,
  • answer audit objectives in accordance with standards,
  • document the audit processes and results,
  • manage audit resources needed to complete the work,
  • develop audit findings and results that flow from the audit objectives,
  • convey the audit message to stakeholders,
  • apply quality control processes to check the accuracy of audit work,
  • follow-up on the status of outstanding audit recommendations and management responses, and
  • work as part of audit team to successfully complete audit assignments.

Recommended Attendees: Auditors with at least two years of experience in the federal Inspector General community who conduct government performance audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards should attend this training program. Those not currently conducting audit work in accordance with Yellow Book standards should not attend.

Instructional Delivery: 5 days; instructor group live.

Prerequisites: Auditors with a minimum of two-years of audit experience in the federal Inspector General community who are poised to take on greater responsibilities within their organizations and advance to becoming auditors-in-charge.

Advanced Preparation: None

CPE: 35.0 (Auditing-Governmental [33.0] and Communications and Marketing [2.0])



Planning, Organizing, and Writing Effective Reports (POWER):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
November 14-15, 2018 Washington, D.C. $450 POWER-1901
March 26-27, 2019 Washington, D.C. $450 POWER-1902
June 11-12, 2019 TBD $450 POWER-1903

Program Description: Reports are the key work product of an Office of Inspector General. Whatever your role as an IG employee – an auditor, evaluator, inspector or investigator – getting your message across to the widest possible audience is essential. This training course uses case studies and practical exercises to stress the importance of planning, organizing, and writing a quality report with the reader in mind. This intermediate-level program is one of three writing training programs offered by the Academy. The other two classes are Writing Fundamentals and Coaching Effective Writing.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn practical strategies to plan and write effective OIG reports. Content includes:

  • Knowing your audience.
  • Planning for an effective report.
  • Getting ready to write.
  • Organizing for an effective report.
  • Writing the report.

Recommended Attendees: Intermediate-level auditors, inspectors, evaluators, and investigators should attend this training program. Other CIGIE-member professionals involved in the report writing process may also benefit from the training program.

Instructional Delivery: 2 days; instructor group live.

Prerequisites: Participants should have experience in drafting OIG reports.

Advanced Preparation: Participants are encouraged to complete Writing Fundamentals or its equivalent before attending this training program.

CPE: 14.5 (Communications and Marketing)



Writing Fundamentals (WF):

Dates Location Tuition Class Number
May 1-2, 2019 Washington, D.C. $475 WF-1901

Program Description: CIGIE’s Quality Standards for Federal Offices of Inspector General, as well as audit, inspection, and evaluation, and investigation standards, require that writing be accurate, clear, complete, concise, convincing, objective, and timely. This basic-level training program is one of three writing training programs offered, including Planning, Organizing and Writing Effective Reports and Coaching Effective Writing.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn and/or review basics such as grammar, rules of English, and writing mechanics through various individual and class exercises. Program content includes the functions of clauses and phrases in sentences, usage of active and passive voice, punctuation, subject verb agreement, and spelling. Participants will also learn techniques for helping to organize their thoughts in preparation for drafting documents.

Recommended Attendees: Entry-level (or any level) audit, inspection, evaluation, and investigator staff should attend to improve their writing skills. Other CIGIE-member professionals may also find the program to be a useful refresher.

Delivery Method: 2 days; instructor group live.

Prerequisites: None.

Advanced Preparation: None.

CPE: 14.5 (Communications and Marketing)
