Commercialization Resources & Programs for Small Businesses

Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) at NIH Program

The goal of I-Corps™ is to accelerate the translation of biomedical research to the marketplace by training to SBIR and STTR grantees in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship. Under this program, the NIH and CDC foster the development of early-stage biomedical technologies by teaching researchers how to understand the value of their inventions in the marketplace, which ultimately helps advance these technologies from the research lab into the commercial world. This program is designed to complement activities within the scope of the parent SBIR Phase I (R43) or STTR Phase I (R41) grant or the Phase I portion of an SBIR/STTR Fast-Track grant (R43/R41, respectively) to help accelerate the commercialization of new products and services derived from NIH and CDC funded technical feasibility studies. Learn more about I-Corps™.

NIH Commercialization Assistance Program (CAP)

NIH CAP is a free specialized technical assistance program for SBIR Phase II awardees. CAP is designed to help promising, small, life science companies develop their commercial businesses and transition their SBIR-developed technologies into the marketplace. CAP applications are accepted once per year, usually in the fall. Learn more about CAP.

Niche Assessment Program (NAP)

The NIH SBIR NAP is a free nationwide program funded by the NIH to help jump-start an SBIR Phase I awardee's commercialization efforts. Services are provided by Foresight Science and Technology of Providence, Rhode Island.

Foresight provides Technology Niche Analyses™ for 100 NIH SBIR Phase I awardees. These analyses assess potential applications for a technology and then for one viable application, they provide an assessment of the:

  • Needs and concerns of end-users;
  • Competing technologies and competing products;
  • Competitive advantage of the SBIR-developed technology;
  • Market size and potential market share (may include national and/or global markets);
  • Barriers to market entry (may include but are not limited to pricing, competition, government regulations, manufacturing challenges, capital requirements, etc.);
  • Market drivers;
  • Status of market and industry trends;
  • Potential customers, licensees, investors, or other commercialization partners; and,
  •  Price customers are likely to pay

Learn more about NAP.

Concept to Clinic: Commercializing Innovation (C3i) Program

The C3i Program provides medical device innovators with the specialized business frameworks and essential tools to successfully translate biomedical technologies from the lab (concept) to the market (clinic). Through this program, NIH fosters the development and commercialization of early-stage biomedical technologies and engages investigators interested in better understanding the value of their innovation for addressing an unmet market need. The curriculum and customized mentoring provided by the C3i Program help guide investigators as they asses the commercial viability and business opportunity of their innovation. Tenets of the C3i Program are based on the Coulter Commercialization Process, an approach to biomedical research translation developed and continuously refined by the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation in collaboration with its partners across the country. 

Learn more about C3i (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering website).

The Center for Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology (TREAT)

TREAT is a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional, collaborative consortium that provides infrastructure support and expert consultation to innovators interested in translation and commercialization of rehabilitation and assistive technologies.  TREAT is part of the NIH R24 network of rehabilitation resource centers and offers a variety of education and training opportunities to clients. 

Applications for assistance and funding are accepted throughout the year.  For further information, visit  or contact the Consortium at

Pediatric Device Consortia (PDC)

This grant program, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), supports the development of nonprofit consortia to stimulate projects promoting pediatric device development. The funded PDC help accelerate commercialization of safe and effective technologies for pediatric clinical care by connecting innovators with an extensive network of clinicians, researchers, technologists, and business development specialists located at institutions in their region.

Currently, FDA funds 8 PDC across the country. Visit the PDC website for more information.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Resources

The FDA provides the following education materials for small businesses and members of industry:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Resources

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