What We Do

The Office of Regional Operations (ORO) advises the Assistant Secretary on state relations and cross-cutting, results-based strategic initiatives at the regional level, leveraging public-private partnerships to improve outcomes for children and families. The Regional Administrators serve as the spokesperson for the Assistant Secretary and lead strategic initiatives in partnership with states, counties, community-based organizations, and the philanthropic sector. ACF provides technical assistance, research, information on best practices and innovations to support state and local human services agencies to empower low-income families to become self-sufficient and provide all children with the opportunity to succeed.

ORO consists of a headquarters office and 10 regional offices that serve states, territories, tribes, and other grantees in their geographical areas.


  • Represents the Assistant Secretary in the regions, including with state human service commissioners and other national, regional and local leadership.
  • Provides leadership and implementation for high priority, cross cutting, results-based strategic initiatives and public-private partnerships to support ACF priorities and state and local reform efforts.
  • Oversees regional emergency response through state relations and supervision of the 10 Regional Emergency Management Specialists.
  • Provides regional leadership, communication and coordination for ACF staff in the regional offices.

Regional Offices

The regional offices oversee the programmatic and financial management of ACF programs in the region and provide guidance to grantees and various entities responsible for administering these programs. All regional offices represent ACF to state, county, city and tribal governments, grantees and public and private organizations in the region.

There are 10 regional offices located in the within the HHS regional locations.

Region 1 (Boston)
Region 2 (New York)
Region 3 (Philadelphia)
Region 4 (Atlanta)
Region 5 (Chicago)
Region 6 (Dallas)
Region 7 (Kansas City)
Region 8 (Denver)
Region 9 (San Francisco)
Region 10 (Seattle)

Regional Administrators

Each regional office is led by a Regional Administrator (RA) who represents the assistant secretary in the field. Regional Administrators facilitate comprehensive awareness of ACF’s work being carried out for children and families nationwide.

The Regional Administrators also work to strengthen our partnerships with other HHS operating divisions, federal agencies, states, tribes, territories, cities and communities on which so many ACF Programs depend.

Related ACF Initiatives

ORO provides support for other ACF programs and initiatives.


Last Reviewed: March 20, 2017

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