Advisory Groups

As a federal agency, NICHD receives advice from advisory committees, task forces, boards, and commissions to help it achieve its goals. Advice from these entities is guided by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92-463) and must be both objective and accessible to the public.

These groups advise or include the NICHD Director on matters related to research and research support activities and functions.

Board of Scientific Counselors

Board of Scientific Counselors

Advises the NICHD Scientific Director and others on matters related to in-house research activities

National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council

National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council

Works with NICHD Director on matters related to institute research activities and functions

National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research

National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research

Advises on matters and policies related to the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research

Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant and Lactating Women

Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant and Lactating Women

Identifies and addresses gaps in research on safe and effective therapies for pregnant and lactating women

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