Division of Purchasing Major Functions

The Division of Purchasing is tasked with the responsibility to:
Contract for goods, services, and construction of independent contractors; purchase materials, supplies and equipment; purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise acquire or secure the use of real or personal property; maintain control of all surplus County equipment, and process all inter-office and incoming/out-going mail, and postage.

Contact Information

photo of Ernest Barreira

Ernest W. Barreira, M.S.
Asst. Chief Procurement Officer

Office Location:
County of Kauai
Department of Finance
Division of Purchasing
4444 Rice Street, Room 303
Lihue, HI 96766

Office Hours: 
Monday thru Friday, 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM, HST
Phone No. (808) 241-4288
Email: COKPurchasing@kauai.gov

Click here to bookmark this page: http://www.kauai.gov/purchasing

Records Requests

To submit a request to access a Purchasing Division record, please fill out the appropriate form, which can be accessed via the following link, http://oip.hawaii.gov/forms/. The completed form should be emailed to Division of Purchasing, at COKPurchasing@kauai.gov.