Oil Spill Response Plans

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act requires that owners or operators of offshore facilities and associated pipelines prepare and submit OSRPs to BSEE. The OSRP is important for assuring the American public that offshore energy exploration and production are activities that respect and foster environmental stewardship. An OSRP is a planning document prepared and used by industry owners and operators to respond to a worst-case discharge from their offshore facilities. The OSRP contains numerous details including, exercise and equipment testing procedures, spill response strategies and tactics, spill command and control procedures, and emergency contact information. 

All OSRP regulatory requirements are outlined in 30 CFR Part 254, Oil-Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located Seaward of the Coast Line, including the plan’s format, contents, submission schedule, and revision procedures. BSEE has also published additional guidance and clarification on OSRP requirements through several Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) documents. Key NTLs affecting OSRPs can be found on the Important Tools box below. All of BSEE’s NTLs can be found on the Notice to Lessees (NTLs) page.

Important Tools

NTL 2012-N06 - Guidance to Owners and Operators of Offshore Facilities Seaward of the Coast Line Concerning Regional Oil Spill Response Plans (8/10/2012)

NTL 2012-N07 - Oil Discharge Written Follow-up Reports (11/16/2012)

NTL 2013-N02 - Significant Change to Oil Spill Response Plan Worst Case Discharge Scenario (8/26/2013)

OSRPs are complex documents and many exceed 500 pages in length.  BSEE personnel must review numerous details within each section and appendix to verify that the information is correct, current, and in compliance with the requirements of 30 CFR Part 254, and that the OSRP, taken as a whole, adequately demonstrates that an owner/operator is prepared to effectively respond to a spill from their offshore facility.  Ultimately, all regulatory actions taken by BSEE OSPD personnel are connected to OSRPs.  The graphic below summarizes the typical life cycle of an approved OSRP.

ospd lifecycle

OSRP Electronic Submissions

BSEE launched a major information technology initiative in Fiscal Year 2015 to enhance the efficiency and timeliness of OSRP submission and reviews. Known as the E-Permits OSRP Component, the new software allows plan holders to electronically submit their OSRPs to BSEE. OSPD personnel are now able to review plans more efficiently and improve document management.

Response System Planning Calculators

BSEE’s Response System Planning Calculators strengthen OSRP content. These tools improve contingency planning for spills from offshore facilities in U.S. waters by helping planners identify optimum system efficiencies for mechanical recovery equipment, dispersant applications, and in situ burning.