Scientific Review Branch (SRB)

SRB is responsible for a broad range of functions related to the review of grant applications and contract proposals. The branch also provides policy direction and coordination for planning and conducting initial scientific and technical merit reviews of applications for numerous types of grant applications, including:

  • Program projects (P01s)
  • Centers (P20s, P30s, P50s, P2Cs, U24s, U54s)
  • Institutional training grants (T32s)
  • Career development awards (various Ks)
  • Conference grants (R13s)
  • Small research grants (R03s)
  • Multisite clinical trials (R01s)
  • Small business grants (SBIRs/STTRs)
  • Loan repayment program (LRP) grants L30, L40, L50

The branch also manages the technical evaluation of contract proposals that arrive in response to requests for proposals issued by the institute.

Other mechanisms, such as fellowships (Fs), small business grants (SBIRs/STTRs), R21s, R01s, and others, are also reviewed by the NIH Center for Scientific Review.

In addition to managing the subcommittees, scientific review officers also recruit extramural scientists to serve as peer reviewers and maintain oversight of all aspects of the peer-review process. Further, special emphasis panels, which are convened as technical evaluation groups, also evaluate contract proposals.

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