TAP Reports

The Targeted Assessment for Prevention (TAP) report presents healthcare-associated infection (HAI) data to assist facilities in assessing their performance and progress for self-improvement

2015 was the first year the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) created and sent TAP reports to Georgia facilities.

Please click here for Using the Targeted Assessment for Prevention (TAP) Strategy at a State and Facility Level

This presentation includes:

  • How DPH created TAP reports
  • Explanation of the SIR and the NNTP
  • Components of the TAP Report
  • DIY TAP Reports using NHSN


ACHs - Understanding your TAP reports

                Example TAP report for ACH

LTACs - Understanding your TAP reports 

                Example TAP report for LTAC

IRFs - Understanding your TAP reports

                Example TAP report for IRF







Page last updated 05/08/2018