Overweight and Obesity

Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-loss Program

DHHS. NIH. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.

Figure out where to start when it comes to choosing and evaluating a weight loss program.

Weight-control Information Network

DHHS. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.

Find up-to-date, science-based information on obesity, weight control, physical activity, and related nutritional issues.

Overweight & Obesity

DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Learn about obesity and strategies for combatting it in yourself, your family, and your community.

Myths About Nutrition & Physical Activity

DHHS. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.

Read about common weight loss myths and learn what the facts say about diets, meals, physical activity, and more.

Importance of Physical Activity

The President's Council on Fitness, Sport & Nutrition.

Learn how physical activity can improve your overall health.

Overweight and Obesity

DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Learn about overweight and obesity, including causes, treatment, prevention, and more.

Helping Your Child Who is Overweight

DHHS. NIH. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.

Find tips and resources for parents to help children develop a healthy body image and learn healthy eating and physical activity habits. Also available in Spanish.

MedlinePlus: Obesity

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

Find information on obesity and strategies for changing your lifestyle. Also in Spanish.

MedlinePlus: Overweight

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

Find information on overweight and strategies for changing your lifestyle. Also in Spanish.

Weight and Obesity

DHHS. Office of Women's Health.

Find answers to frequently asked questions on obesity and weight loss for women.

Active at Any Size

DHHS. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.

Learn about being active at any size while having fun and feeling good doing it.

How to Avoid Portion Size Pitfalls to Help Manage Your Weight

DHHS. CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Receive practical tips for controlling portions.