Digital Strategy

Data and Innovation

The Digital Government Strategy is aimed at building a 21st century government that works better for the American people. The strategy's three primary goals are to:

  • Enable the American people and an increasingly mobile workforce to access high-quality digital government information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device.
  • Ensure that as the government adjusts to this new digital world, we seize the opportunity to procure and manage devices, applications, and data in smart, secure, and affordable ways.
  • Unlock the power of government data to spur innovation across our nation and improve the quality of services for the American people.

Open Data and Schedule

GSA welcomes customer and stakeholder comments and feedback at or to our public Google group at GSA data.

Enterprise Data Inventory Process

The Enterprise Information and Data Management team (EIDM) within the GSA Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and the Data Management Working Group (DMWG), comprised of representatives from each Staff and Service Office (SSO), is proactively engaging the enterprise in an effort to identify datasets which can be made available to the public. We are encouraging the release of data assets, or subsets thereof, as a standard and best practice across the agency and its programs. Representatives from each Staff and Service Office (SSO) such as FAS, PBS, OGP and OCSIT, are coordinating with the SSO program staff and data owners to update datasets previously released on or other public communication channels, and also identify additional datasets which are determined to have high value to the public. GSA will continually release agency data on its Open Datasets page as it is approved for release by the agency.

Milestone Schedule

GSA’s Inventory Schedule is provided in the table below and also a description of the agency plans for expanding, enriching and opening the inventory each quarter through November 30, at a minimum.

Milestone Date Milestone Title/Description Expand Enrich Open
February 28 Provide data from under-represented GSA Programs Add/Update 10-12 datasets from Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP) and other SSOs Upgrade to Open Data Schema 1.1 and add new APIs to the EDI Send new datasets through clearance process to determine which datasets can be made public
May 31, 2015 Provide data from under-represented Staff and Service Offices Catalog data from under-represented Staff and Service Offices Include data sets from under-represented Staff and Service Offices; This could be data associated with daily operations, End of year reporting, Budget or travel data Publish release of newly available public datasets and APIs on social media outlets
August 31 Provide high priority/value data Coordinate with portfolio managers of high value/priority data to add new datasets Where appropriate, establish APIs for high priority/high value data Where possible, add high priority/value datasets to GSA's mobile site
November 30 Provide data from GSA's performance reference model ( Catalog datasets from GSA's performance reference model ( Add extended metadata and cross references to GSA Performance goals Include data used to support GSA performance goals in EDI

Customer Feedback Process

GSA welcomes customer and stakeholder comments and feedback at or to our public Google group at GSA data. In addition, each SSO and their program offices has outreach activities with their customers by means of social media, collaboration platforms, town halls, industry days, challenges, and via public facing webpages on Each office works closely with our Office of Communications and Marketing to solicit feedback through the multiple communication channels and will consider all customer feedback in their proactive disclosure efforts. The internal clearance processes established at GSA provides the risk mitigation necessary before GSA releases the data assets to the public.


Since Former President Obama announced a digital strategy initiative in May 2012, GSA has been working to build interoperability and openness securely into our systems. We are developing common standards and producing better content and data to be delivered through multiple channels in device-agnostic ways. Continually addressing privacy and security in the digital age, we are creating an environment where citizens are increasingly becoming partners in building a better government.

GSA has successfully met its digital-strategy milestones [PDF - 103 KB], remaining agile and flexible, and fundamentally shifting the way we are approaching digital government. The agency has also pioneered several government-wide solutions called for in the strategy that are helping all agencies implement this important initiative. For example, we provide a growing list of API data sets that anyone can use to unlock government data on the Developer Resources page.

We will provide continual updates as we implement the Open Data Policy - Managing Information as an Asset.

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