Translational Science Education Resources

Researchers around a tableNCATS and its collaborators have developed a suite of resources and tools to help individuals at all levels of expertise develop a better understanding of and become involved in translation and translational science. See below for a variety of tools to learn how new medical innovations are developed, the science behind the process, and detailed information on thousands of rare and genetic diseases.

Translational Science Spectrum

The translational science spectrum represents each stage of research along the path from the biological basis of health and disease to interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public.

Contact: Penny Burgoon, Ph.D.

NCATS Toolkit for Patient-Focused Therapy Development

The NCATS Toolkit for Patient-Focused Therapy Development is a centralized collection of online resources that can help patient groups advance through the research and development process for new treatments.

Contact: NCATS Office of Rare Diseases Research

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

GARD is an information center designed to provide comprehensive information about rare and genetic diseases to patients, their families, health care providers, researchers and the public.

Contact: GARD Specialists

Drug Discovery, Development and Deployment Maps (4DM)

The 4DM provide dynamic representations of the modern therapeutic development process to more easily identify inefficiencies and integrate efforts to expedite the development of new therapies for patients. The maps provide a common framework for discussing the therapeutic development process and serve as an education tool for those who are new to it.

Contact: Penny Burgoon, Ph.D.

Assay Guidance Manual & Workshops

The Assay Guidance Manual initiative delivers resources on best practices within the early stages of development as well as training focusing on robust, early-stage drug discovery assays.

Contact: Nathan Coussens, Ph.D.

Issues in Translation

Researchers nationwide and across the globe face common barriers in translational research that can delay the development of new interventions for patients in need. Learn more about some of the major issues translational scientists aim to address to accelerate the development of treatments and preventative strategies for a wide range of diseases.

Contact: Penny Burgoon, Ph.D.