Cover Crops, Green Manures and Mulches

USDA. ARS. Plains Area Office.

The interactive Cover Crop Chart (v. 2.1) includes information on 58 crop species and "is designed to assist producers with decisions on the use of cover crops in crop and forage production systems."

University of California. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

This database contains information pertaining to 40 crop species derived from journal articles, conference proceedings, standard textbooks, unpublished data and personal communications from researchers and farmers. Plant descriptions, cultural requirements and uses are given for each species.

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

This bulletin provides an introduction to the benefits of growing cover crops and gives an overview of the SARE Cover Crops Topic Room.

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

A collection of educational materials developed from "decades of SARE-funded cover crop research." Resources are free and may be used in outreach and educational activities related to cover crops.

Michigan State University. Kellogg Biological Station.

Provides an overview of cover crops, more detailed information about suitable species, cropping systems and organic research and links to additional sources of information.

Oregon State University. Forage Information System.

A collection of publications, experts, media and links covering species, establishment, management, incorporation and removal of cover crops.

The Pennsylvania State University.

A database of information about the use of cover crops and common cover crop varieties, results of Penn State Extension demonstration trials, research updates, and publications.

University of Hawai'i. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.

A series of fact sheets divided into leguminous and non-leguminous selections for use as cover crops and green manures.

North Carolina State University. Cooperative Extension. Chatham County Center.

Fact sheets and resources on selecting and using cover crops in North Carolina and the southeastern region of the U.S., especially for organic production.

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

The Library offers "a database of cover crop images, ready-made PowerPoint presentations on cover crop topics, and soil health illustrations."  Resources are free and may be used in outreach and educational activities related to cover crops.
