What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for you to keep up with news and information that's important to you, and helps you avoid the conventional methods of browsing or searching for information on websites. Now the content you want can be delivered directly to you without cluttering your Inbox with e-mail messages.


How do I get started using RSS feeds?

The first step is to choose an RSS feed reader and install it on your computer.

NOTE: Each reader has a slightly different way of adding a new feed, also called a channel.

Follow the directions for your reader, but in most cases, here's how it works:

  1. When you see a feed link on a website, click on the link or small RSS button for the feed. For help in identifying RSS feeds, go to How do I know when an RSS feed is available?

    NOTE: Depending on your browser, you may get a page of XML code. This is fine, as it will still work with the feed reader program. Newer browsers, such as the current versions of Internet Explorer 7, Firefox, Opera, and Safari, will display the list of news links and give you the opportunity to bookmark the link in one of the more popular web-based RSS feed readers like Google, Yahoo, or Bloglines. You may also choose your feed reader program you already have installed.
  2. From your browser Address field, copy the URL (web address) by highlighting the URL with your mouse and pressing CTRL and C on the keyboard, or right-clicking the mouse and selecting Copy.
  3. Paste that URL (web address) into the Add New Channel section of the feed reader.
    NOTE: The RSS feed will start to display and regularly update the headlines for you.


  1. When you see a feed link on a website, right-click on the link or RSS button. For help in identifying RSS feeds, go to How do I know when an RSS feed is available?
  2. Select Copy Shortcut or Copy Target Address.
  3. Paste that URL (web address) into the Add New Channel section of the feed reader.
    NOTE: The RSS feed will start to display and regularly update the headlines for you.

Some feed readers will "auto-discover" RSS feeds on sites you visit, so you don't have to cut and paste. Check the instructions for your feed reader software for more information.


More RSS information

For more information about RSS feeds, go to the RSS Frequently Asked Questions.


Agriculture, Dept. of

Attorney General’s Office - RSS Main Page

Commerce, Dept. of

Conservation Commission, Washington State - RSS Main Page

Early Learning, Dept. of

Ecology, Dept. of

Emergency Management Division

Employment Security Department

Enterprise Services, Dept. of

Financial Institutions, Dept. of

Financial Management, Office of

Fish and Wildlife, Dept. of - RSS Main Page

Gambling Commission

Governor's Office

Insurance Commissioner's Office

Labor & Industries, Dept. of

Legislature Bill Information - RSS Main Page

Lieutenant Governor's Office -

Parks, Washington State

Public Disclosure Commission

Recreation and Conservation Office

Revenue, Dept. of - RSS Main Page

School Directors' Association, Washington State - RSS Main Page

State House

State Library, Washington

State Senate

Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of the - RSS Main Page

Transportation, Dept. of - RSS main page

Utilities and Transportation Commission - RSS Main Page

Veterans Affairs, Dept. of

For more information on other government RSS feeds, go to the following links: