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Congressional Testimony

Outlook for light-duty vehicles and the fuels used in those vehicles pdf
Subject:EIA, transportation, energy markets
Presented by:John Maples, Senior Transportation Analyst
Presented to: Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Power
Washington, DC—March 7, 2018

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EIA's resources for emergency response pdf ppt
Subject:U.S. Energy Information Administration, emergency response
Presented by:Dr. Linda Capuano, Administrator
Presented to: Committee on National Statistics
Washington, DC—October 19, 2018
EIA 2018-19 Winter Fuels Outlook pdf
Subject:EIA, energy markets, forecasts
Presented by:Tim Hess, Office of Energy Analysis
Presented to: NASEO 2018-2019 Winter Energy Outlook Webinar
Washington, DC—October 10, 2018
International Energy Outlook 2018 (IEO2018) pdf ppt
Subject:U.S. Energy Information Administration
Presented by:Dr. Linda Capuano, Administrator
Presented to: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Washington, DC—July 24, 2018
Current state and future of national energy data - EIA Overview pdf ppt
Subject:U.S. Energy Information Administration
Presented by:John J. Conti, Deputy Administrator
Presented to: Parliament of Canada House of Commons, Standing Committee on Natural Resources (RNNR)
Ottawa, Ontario Canada—May 3, 2018

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Today In Energy article

The Middle East, Africa, and Asia now drive nearly all global energy consumption growth

energy use by world region
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics

Energy consumption in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa continues to grow rapidly, with about 20% growth in each region between 2010 and 2016, according to newly available data in EIA’s International Energy Statistics database. In particular, energy consumption has been increasing in the Middle East and Africa, driven by economic growth, increased access to energy markets, and quickly growing populations. Energy consumption in Asia grew even as energy consumption in China declined between 2015 and 2016.

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