Organic Aquaculture


USDA Guidance

USDA does not currently certify organic aquaculture production. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) is in the process of developing organic practice standards for aquaculture. Specific labeling guidance will be detailed after these standards are implemented. Certification of aquatic animals will not be available until new standards are complete.

The "National Organic Program-Organic Aquaculture Standards" Action proposes "to establish standards for organic production and certification of farmed aquatic animals and their products in the USDA organic regulations."


National Organic Program - Organic Aquaculture Standards. Proposed Rule. 81. Fed. Reg. 111 (June 9, 2016). Federal Register: The Daily Journal of the United States. Wed. 9 June 2016.

Organic Aquaculture Standards: Navigating Potential USDA Regulations.
The National Agricultural Law Center
Presented by: Alexandra Chase
Webinar [Recorded April 20, 2016]

USDA. AMS. National Organic Program.

Comprises a collection of documents from the National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animals Task Force including Aquaculture Working Group reports on finfish and bivalve mollusc aquaculture and recommendations on aquaculture, farmed aquatic plants, fish feed, net pens, and bivalves and molluscan shellfish.


International Standards

KRAV Ekonomisk förening.

Overview of organic aquaculture standards developed by KRAV, and Swedish certification agency in cooperation with Norwegian certification agency Debio. The standards meet, and may surpass, European Union requirements for organic production.


One of the leaders in developing organic aquaculture standards for the European Union, Naturland standards and projects are on the cutting edge of this sector.

Soil Association.

Presents the Soil Association organic standards for aquaculture. These standards have the EU organic regulation as their baseline, but may be more stringent, especially in terms of animal welfare requirements.

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.

Discusses the current European Union organic aquaculture rules and legislation, the history of organic aquaculture, global organic aquaculture production and markets, the impact of the rules on several aquaculture species systems, and challenges facing of the organic aquaculture sector.