Eric Schmitt was sworn in as the 43rd Attorney General for the State of Missouri on January 3, 2019.

As Attorney General, Eric is focused on keeping Missouri families safe and protecting Missouri taxpayers and consumers. As the lawyer for all six million Missourians, Eric is fighting each and every day to protect opportunities for the next generations.

Eric’s roots in Missouri run deep, stretching through six generations of farmers, teachers and small businesspeople who have lived and worked in the Missouri cities of Tipton, Pilot Grove, Louisiana and St. Louis.

Eric Schmitt and his family

Eric’s grandfather served in the 7th Army during World War II and saw major combat as an infantryman. After the war, he returned to Missouri to start a small butcher shop, where Eric’s father would later work. His father worked his way through night school to provide for his family while earning a diploma. Eric watched his father work 7 days a week on the midnight shift to provide a better life for his family, an experience that taught him the value of a strong work ethic.

Eric attended DeSmet Jesuit High School and went on to graduate cum laude from Truman State University, where he founded a Habitat for Humanity chapter. After graduation, he attended law school at Saint Louis University where he received his J.D. and served as an editor of the Law Review.

He was inspired to enter public service to be a voice for his son, Stephen, who was born with a rare genetic condition (tuberous sclerosis) causing tumors on his organs. Stephen also has epilepsy, is on the autism spectrum, and is non-verbal.

Eric’s record of accomplishments serves as a reflection of his values and leadership. During his time as an Alderman for the city of Glendale and his two terms in the Missouri State Senate, he worked to cut taxes for working families, improve educational opportunities for Missouri children, and advocate for those with special needs.

Eric previously served as the 46th Treasurer of the State of Missouri. As Treasurer, Eric launched the MO ABLE program to help Missourians with disabilities save for long-term needs. He also supported small business owners by modernizing the low-interest loan program and cutting unnecessary regulations.

Eric and his wife, Jaime, have three children, Stephen, Sophia, and Olivia.

View all Missouri Attorneys General.