Missouri's Sunshine Law is the embodiment of Missouri's commitment to openness in government. Chapter 610 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri is the foundation of what has become known as Missouri's Sunshine Law.  

This page is a resource to help Missourians understand the Missouri Sunshine Law and its implications for public and quasi-public governmental bodies, members of those bodies, those that conduct business with a public governmental body, and private citizens. Read more...

Make a Sunshine Request

If you would like to make a Sunshine request to obtain records, you will need to contact the public governmental body that created and/or retains the public record you would like to inspect. For example, if you would like to request meeting minutes from your city, you will need to contact your city for that information. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office is not the repository for all public records in the state of Missouri, and we cannot provide a requester with access to records from other public governmental bodies. However, if you have already attempted to obtain records from a public governmental body directly and have not been given access, you may file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office.

Custodian of Records

Each public governmental body is required to have a custodian of records who is responsible for responding to public records requests. In order for individuals to have access to public records, each public governmental body is required to make their custodian’s name and contact information available upon request.

The Missouri Sunshine Law does not require that an open records request be submitted in a specific format. However, our office encourages requesters to make their requests in writing (letter, email, etc.) so they can maintain a record of what they requested, and when. If you would like some assistance in drafting a request for public records you can view our sample language forms to assist with your request.

File a Sunshine Law Complaint

The Attorney General is authorized to pursue enforcement of the Missouri Sunshine Law. If you believe a public governmental body has not fulfilled its obligations under the Sunshine Law, you may submit a complaint to our office for review. Please understand that the Attorney General cannot act as your attorney. The office represents the state’s interests in ensuring that public meetings and records are open to the extent provided by law..

Open Meeting Notices