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Today in Energy

September 2018

September 28, 2018

Columbia River electric generation in 2018 remains normal despite above-normal water flow

September 27, 2018

Hydro and fossil fuels power electricity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

September 26, 2018

Like natural gas, coal in the Southwest Power Pool is cycled to accommodate wind power

September 25, 2018

Summer average wholesale electricity prices in western U.S. were highest since 2008

September 24, 2018

Crude oil was the largest U.S. petroleum export in the first half of 2018

September 21, 2018

Seasonality in Brazilian petroleum liquids production is driven by biofuels

September 20, 2018

East Coast refiners receiving more domestic crude oil from Gulf Coast by tanker and barge

September 19, 2018

One in three U.S. households faces a challenge in meeting energy needs

September 18, 2018

OPEC net oil export revenues increased in 2017, will likely continue to increase in 2018

September 17, 2018

EIA introduces interactive dashboard detailing natural gas storage activity

September 14, 2018

America’s oldest operating nuclear power plant to retire on Monday

September 13, 2018

Hurricane Florence likely to affect Southeast U.S. electric power, transportation fuels

September 12, 2018

The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer

September 11, 2018

Hydroelectricity is the most prevalent renewable source in 19 states; wind in 16

September 10, 2018

Coal is the most-used electricity generation source in 18 states; natural gas in 16

September 7, 2018

Haynesville natural gas production is increasing but remains lower than previous peak

September 6, 2018

In 2015, peripheral devices consumed nearly as much electricity as televisions

September 5, 2018

U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions fell slightly in 2017

September 4, 2018

Louisiana and Wyoming consume the most energy per capita; Rhode Island, New York the least

October 2018 › ‹ August 2018