Plans & Reports

Plans & Reports

plan and report covers

The Health Department publishes plans, analyses and reports on a wide range of public health issues. In this section are publications about the goals and targets set in our state health improvement plan, our state health assessment, our strategic plan, and health impact and environmental assessments.

In This Section

The Vermont State Health Assessment 2018 is our five year update on what we know about the health status of Vermonters. It provides vital data for examining health inequities by race and ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status and geography. 

Vermont is ranked as one of the healthiest states in the nation – but we need continous improvement to ensure that all Vermonters have equal opportunity for good health.

Health Impact Assessments are data-driven examinations of proposed projects and policies that shape our communities. The Health Impact Assessment process outlines potential public health impacts and considerations, providing policy makers and stakeholders with a valuable tool to inform their planning decisions.

With the publication of Healthy Vermonters 2020 in 2012, we began our third decade of engaging policymakers, government, health and human services professionals, and the public in setting, measuring and working to achieve long term public health outcomes.

The Health Department submits a variety of annual and other reports to the Vermont Legislature.

An Environmental Impact Statement evaluates potential physical, biological, cultural and socioeconomic effects of a proposed action. A Public Health Assessment evaluates information on the release of hazardous substances into the environment and its past, current or future impact on public health.

The five-year State Health Improvement Plan, also known as the SHIP, will combine the data from the State Health Assessment with strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce inequities in five priority areas.

Our Strategic Plan 2014-2019 is our guide for improving internal systems and processes to better support efforts to improve the health status of Vermonters.