What's New?


Home Page

Redesigned Home Page Old Home Page
Redesigned Home Page

Improves ease of use, provides more information
Old Home Page

Previous Home Page
The redesigned page makes finding the most common payments easy.
It is divided into two major sections: "Many people visit our site to..." and "What would you like to do?"
The page was divided vertically into two major sections: "I NEED TO PAY" on the left and "COMMON PAYMENTS" on the right.
Many people visit our site to... has links to six of the most common payments. COMMON PAYMENTS is equivalent to "Many people visit our site to..." on the redesigned page.
What would you like to do? shows common search categories. Click a link to find forms and agencies for that type of payment. I NEED TO PAY is equivalent to "What do you like to do?" on the redesigned page.
There are no "Make A Payment" links. Instead, there is one "Explore More Options" link at the top of the page. The two "Make a Payment" links opened a page where you could select from a list of five common payments, search for payments, or see a lists of all forms or agencies.
Search has moved to the top right and works the same way it did previously. Search was at the top left.
See the Navigating Trough Pay.gov page for more information.

Explore More Options

New Explore More Options Page
Explore More Options Page

Expands the list of common payments
Replaces the Make A Payment page.
Expands the list of common payments.
Search box lets you find other forms and agencies.
Includes links to lists of all forms or agencies.

Before You Begin

Redesigned Before You Begin Page
Before You Begin payment page

Clearly shows payment steps
and form description
Improves readability.
Clearly shows the payment step.
Clearly shows the form description.
Provides information about the benefits of using a Pay.gov account.

Outdated Web Browsers Not Supported

  • Pay.gov is compatible with Internet Explorer® 9 and newer or current versions of Microsoft Edge®, Google Chrome®, Mozilla FireFox®, and Apple Safari®.

  • Pay.gov pages will not display correctly when using an outdated browser.

  • You will not be able to submit your payment while using an outdated browser.

  • If Pay.gov detects an outdated browser, a warning is displayed at the top of the home page.

Email Address Required

  • An email address is required to submit your payment. It must be provided on the Confirm and Submit page.

  • If you are signed in to your Pay.gov account Pay.gov automatically uses the email address from your profile.

  • The email address is necessary to send a confirmation (receipt) of payment.