Mandatory Reporter Information


Please sign in here to access DS 168 Dependent Adult Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training and DS 169 Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training. Once a participant signs in or creates an account, they will be routed to a welcome page to select the training they need.

A Spanish version of the online training for the DS 168 Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training and the DS 169 Dependent Adult Mandatory Reporter Training will be available beginning January 1, 2021. The trainings will include closed captions in Spanish as an alternative language translation of the presentation’s primary audio language. The closed caption option in Spanish may be activated by the user within each of the trainings.

Mandatory Reporter Help Guide

Have a question?  We may have the answer in our Frequently Asked Questions below.

If you have any difficulty creating an account, logging in, accessing the training page or experience any problems during either of the mandatory reporter trainings, please contact the Iowa State University Child Welfare Research and Training Project at: They will do their best to respond within 1-2 business days depending on volume of requests.

Mandatory Reporters of Abuse


Children and dependent adults in Iowa deserve the greatest possible protection from abuse. The Department of Human Services strives to achieve this through encouraging reports when abuse is suspected, prompt assessment of these reports, and working with families and supports to assist in providing a safe and stable home environment.
Mandatory reporters are essential partners in protecting children and dependent adults from abuse. As professionals who have frequent contact with children and dependent adults, mandatory reporters are trained to identify the signs that a child or and dependent adult may have suffered abuse or neglect. 
Who Qualifies
It’s everyone’s responsibility to report suspected abuse. Iowa Code section 232.69 defines some professionals as mandatory reporters of child abuse and Iowa Code section 235B.3(2) defines some professionals as mandatory reporters of dependent adult abuse.
Although anyone can report child and dependent adult abuse and are encouraged to do so, mandatory reporters are required by law to make a report of suspected abuse within 24 hours of becoming aware of the concern(s).

Rights and Responsibilities

Mandatory reporters have a right to:
  • Report suspected abuse without interference from their employer or supervisor (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.70 and Iowa Code section 235B.3(3)(b)).  The employer or supervisor of a person who is a mandatory reporter cannot apply a policy, work rule, or other requirement that interferes with the person making a report of suspected child abuse.  
  • Mandatory reporters of child abuse are entitled to immunity from any civil or criminal liability (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.73), which might otherwise be incurred when they participate in good faith in:
    • Making a of report, photographs, or X rays,
    • Performing a medically relevant test, or
    • Aiding and assisting in an assessment.
  • Mandatory reporters of dependent adult abuse are entitled to immunity from any civil or criminal liability (in accordance with Iowa Code section 235B.3(10)) which might otherwise be incurred or imposed based upon the act of making the report or giving the assistance. The person has the same immunity with respect to participating in good faith in a judicial proceeding resulting from the report or cooperation or assistance or relating to the subject matter of the report, cooperation, or assistance.
  • Oral notification by the Department of Human Services (DHS), within 24 hours of making the report of suspected child abuse, as to whether or not the report has been accepted or rejected (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.70).
  • Written Notice of Intake Decision from DHS, indicating whether the report of suspected child abuse was accepted or rejected (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.70).  
  • An outcome notice from DHS (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.70), indicating whether the report of suspected child abuse was Founded (Substantiated and Placed on the Registry), Confirmed (Substantiated but Not Placed on the Registry), or Not Confirmed (Unsubstantiated).
  • An outcome notice from DHS (in accordance with Iowa Code section 235B.8(2)), of the results of the dependent adult abuse assessment and confidentiality provisions.
  • Request a copy of any founded abuse assessment in which they were the mandatory reporter (in accordance with Iowa Code section 235A.15 and Iowa Code 235B.6).
Mandatory reporters have a responsibility to:

Make an oral report of suspected abuse within 24 hours when they reasonably believe a child or dependent adult has suffered abuse (in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.69 and IAC 441—176.4)

Mandatory Reporter Training Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How do I log into the Iowa DHS Learning Management System?

A. If you are new to the Iowa DHS Learning Management System, log in by clicking on this link (or copy and paste the following site into your browser: and register as an external user. Please write down and store your username and password in a safe but accessible place to log in and access your training records in the future.
If you already created an account on the Iowa DHS Learning Management System prior to June 19, 2020, click on this link (or copy and paste the following site into your browser: and log in to the system using the information provided below:
  • Username: emailaddressofuser
  • Initial Case-Sensitive Password: welcome123
Q. How do I navigate/complete the mandatory reporter training?
A. Watch the video: How to Complete Training and Navigate this System, located on your Dashboard in the My Tasks section of the Iowa DHS Learning Management System. This video can also be accessed by clicking this link. Watching this short video is essential for understanding how the Mandatory Reporter training operates in the Iowa DHS Learning Management System.
Please click this link for instructions on how to troubleshoot any pop-up error messages or browser issues that display.
Q. How do I enroll in mandatory reporter training?
A. Watch the video: Mandatory Reporter Training, which is a 2-minute demonstration for how to enroll in either the Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training or Dependent Adult Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training. The video link, is posted on the top of your Dashboard in the Iowa DHS Learning Management System and it can also be access by clicking this link.
Q. How do I access my mandatory reporter training certificate?
A. If you took the training before July 1, 2019, DHS will not have a copy of your certificate. You will need to request a copy from the employer or agency who provided the training.
If you took the DHS training between July 1, 2019 and June 19, 2020, an actual certificate is not available. Rather, a transcript certifying your completion of the mandatory reporter training is available on the Iowa DHS Learning Management System. To access the system, click on this link or copy and paste the following site into your browser:
  • On the “Overview” tab, locate your dashboard. 
  • Click on the “Print Transcripts Report” below the number of Completed Courses.
  • Click on the printer icon in the top left corner to print the transcript.
If you took the DHS training after June 19, 2020, your certificate is available on the Iowa DHS Learning Management System. To access the system, click on this link or copy and paste the following site into your browser:
  • On the “Overview” tab, locate your dashboard. 
  • Click on the number listed below “Printable Certificates”.
  • Select the certificate you want to print
  • Click on the printer icon to print the certificate.
Q: What if I question the validity of a DHS certificate an employee provides as proof that mandatory reporter training was completed?
A: Contact Roxanne Riesberg at for questions regarding the validity of mandatory reporter training certificates for child abuse and Gloriana Fisher at for questions regarding the validity of mandatory reporter training certificates for dependent adult abuse.
To access mandatory reporter certificates, please contact the Iowa State University Child Welfare Research and Training Project at:

Q: How do I know if I am a mandatory reporter?

A: Iowa Code 232.69(1) and Iowa Code 235B.3(2) define mandatory reporters in the state of Iowa. Please reference Iowa Code and speak to your employer to determine if your employment falls in the categories outlined. If you continue to have questions whether your employment qualifies you as a mandatory reporter, please seek legal advice from a legal professional. The Department of Human Services is not able to provide legal advice. 

Q: Is the Mandatory Reporter Training curriculum still reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Health?

A: No. Effective July 1, 2019, DHS is responsible for developing and providing all training for mandatory reporters in Iowa.

Q:  Is the certification I acquired prior to July 1, 2019 valid?

A:  Any certification acquired prior to July 1, 2019 from a provider approved by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is valid for five years. See this list for all IDPH mandatory reporter training approval/provider numbers.

Q: What prompted the changes to how Mandatory Reporter training is offered?

A: Please see the Mandatory Reporter Training and Certification Workgroup Report.

Q: Does Mandatory Reporter Training taken in another state meet the training requirements in Iowa?

A: No. Any mandatory reporter who practices in Iowa is required by law to take the Iowa Mandatory Reporter Training. States differ in how they define abuse and any mandatory reporter must be knowledgeable about Iowa Code to practice in Iowa.

Q: How can I register for training if I don't have an email address?

A: An active email address is a requirement to register for Mandatory Reporter Training. Please set up a free email address from a provider such as Gmail or Yahoo, etc.

Q: Do I need to enter my supervisor's name and email address?

A: Yes, the system requires you fill in these blanks in order to complete your profile. If you are not DHS field staff and your organization does not require supervisor notification, you can fill these blanks with your own information in order to complete your profile. If you are a DHS worker, you are required to fill in this information.

Q: Is there a fee for each 2-hour training, or for the 1-hour recertification training?

A: There is no fee for the 2-hour training or the 1-hour recertification training - they are free for all.

Q: What is the timeframe to complete Mandatory Reporter Training?

A: Mandatory reporters for child abuse and mandatory reporters for dependent adult abuse have the same timeframe. Every individual required to report suspected abuse as defined in Iowa Code 232.69(1) and Iowa Code 235B.3(2) must complete 2 hours of mandatory reporter training within their first six months of employment or self-employment and one hour of additional training every three years (unless otherwise specified by federal regulations).  If your employment qualifies you as a mandatory reporter for both child abuse and dependent adult abuse, you are required to take both trainings and maintain certification for both curricula.  
Q: Will there be an opportunity for organizations to get a report on their employees from DHS on who has completed the training?

A: DHS will not be able to provide reports regarding who has completed the training. All training participants who successfully complete the training will receive a training certificate. The participant will have the ability to email, download and print their training certificate as proof of training completion. The certification of completion will be retained in the participant's training account, and it can be accessed at any time. Employers who require their staff to provide proof of training should provide clear instructions to their employees on how their organization will track training completion.
Q: Are the child and dependent adult abuse trainings still combined for one 2-hour training?

A: No. There are now separate curricula for child abuse and dependent adult abuse, each with their own certification.
Q: If I am already certified, can I just take the 1-hour recertification training?

A: No. Every mandatory reporter in Iowa will be required to take the new 2-hour core training. 1-hour recertification training will not be available until 2022 and will only be available to those who have completed the 2-hour initial core training curriculum provided by DHS.
Q: After I complete the initial 2-hour training, how often am I required to recertify, and how long is the recertification training

A: Mandatory reporters must take the 1-hour recertification training within 3 years of the initial 2-hour training, and every 3 years thereafter, in order to remain in compliance with the law.
Q: Will I be reminded that my 3-year certification is preparing to expire by DHS’ LMS?

A: Not at this time. Mandatory reporters are responsible for keeping their certification current. Once participants have registered and completed Mandatory Reporter Training through DHS’ LMS, they may access their individual account at any time to review their last certification, which includes the completion date.
Q: If certification was acquired prior to July 1, 2019, will I need to take the new curriculum training to maintain my certification?

A: Legislation clarifies that all valid Mandatory Reporter Training certificates issued prior to July 1, 2019 remain effective for five years. After July 1, 2019, the curriculum provided by DHS is the only training available for mandatory reporters in Iowa to maintain their certification.
Q: Is support available to me if I have a technical issue?

A: Yes. Email to access support assistance for the Learning Management System. Technical assistance is provided by the Iowa State University Child Welfare Research and Training Project. All correspondence and requests for assistance will be responded to within one business day. While participants may take the training on the weekend, participants should be aware that technical assistance will not be available until the next business day.  
Q: Can I view the training on a mobile device?

A: Yes. The training will be available to be viewed on a mobile device.  The user should make sure they have a strong data connection. 
Q: Are Continuing Education Units offered for the mandatory reporter trainings?

A: The Iowa Board of Social work states that it is the licensees’ responsibility to determine if the continuing education programs they attend meet the requirements of their professional licensure board. Those important requirements can be located on the Iowa Department of Public Health’s website:

The Iowa Board of Nursing has approved the mandatory reporter trainings, for both child abuse and dependent adult abuse, as fulfilling 2.0 contact hours of nursing continuing education. Questions regarding nursing CEUs may be directed to

For all other disciplines, please direct any questions regarding CEUs to your respective professional licensure board.
Q: Is it possible to enter an alternate email address when I set up my profile?

A: Yes. The user will create their own profile, and they can select any email address they choose at that time.
Q: Is it possible to update my email address if my employment changes?

A: Yes. The user can log into the LMS and update their profile with any changes to their email address or other pertinent information at any time.
Q: Is the training offered in any languages other than English?

A: Not at this time, but we are exploring the possibility. Closed captioning in English is available.
Q: Can an employer administer the training?

A: No, each participant must create their own account on DHS’ LMS and take the training individually. An employer can provide supplemental training as it relates to their professional practice in addition to the core training curriculum provided by DHS. 


State Approved Forms:
Informational Materials:
Additional Resources:

Below is a summary by year of law changes that have impacted abuse and reporting:





Child Abuse/Dependent Adult Abuse Protective Services 
1-800-362-2178 (toll-free abuse hotline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Call the abuse hotline to report concerns of suspected abuse or neglect.
If a child or dependent adult  is in imminent danger, call 911
If you have additional questions, you can contact:
Roxanne Riesberg, Child Protection Program Manager
Gloriana Fisher, Adult Services Program Manager
Please do NOT email a report of suspected abuse or neglect as this email is not monitored during non-business hours and could result in a delayed response to the report.