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Enforcement database

See all our public enforcement actions and obtain detailed information on ordered consumer relief.

The enforcement database was created to increase transparency of our enforcement actions. The database contains information on all public enforcement actions.

Congress provided the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with four important tools to carry out the mission of protecting consumers: rulemaking, supervision, enforcement, and education. We take enforcement actions against a depository institution, company, individual, or other entity that breaks the law. In many cases, we will partner with other Federal or State regulators and law enforcement agencies to investigate the wrongdoing and coordinate the enforcement action. Enforcement actions are resolved in court or through an administrative adjudication proceeding. In cases involving consumer harm, we may seek compensation to victims for this harm when feasible and appropriate. This compensation may take many forms including checks, account credits, or debt cancelation.

We may also obtain fines, or civil money penalties, against entities that violate federal consumer financial law. These penalties go into our Civil Penalty Fund. When an entity or individual is unable to fully compensate consumers for the harm they have suffered and when a civil money penalty was imposed for those activities, we may compensate victims from our Civil Penalty Fund.

Data snapshot

$12.9 billion in consumer relief

Monetary compensation, principal reductions, canceled debts, and other consumer relief ordered as a result of enforcement actions.

175 million people eligible for relief

Estimated consumers or consumer accounts eligible to receive relief from enforcement actions.

$1.5 billion in penalties

Civil money penalties ordered as a result of enforcement actions.

Figure 1

Enforcement actions by year

This interactive graph shows the total number of CFPB enforcement actions by year from our inception to the present. Hover over the bars to view the total number of public enforcement actions per year.

Source: CFPB Enforcement Actions Data
Date Published: December 2020
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Figure 2

Cumulative enforcement actions

This interactive graph shows the cumulative number of CFPB enforcement actions from our inception to the present. Hover over the line to view the cumulative number of public enforcement actions at a given point in time as well as the details of each enforcement action.

Source: CFPB Enforcement Actions Data
Date Published: December 2020
Download: CSV file

Figure 3

Consumer relief by year

This interactive graph shows the total relief generated from CFPB enforcement actions by year from the Bureau's inception to the present. Hover over the bars to view the total consumer relief per year.

Source: CFPB Enforcement Actions Data
Date Published: December 2020
Download: CSV file
Notes: These data reflect publicly available information available for each public enforcement action. As such, in some instances these reported data reflect (1) estimations made at the time of initial filing (e.g., if an order stated “about 100” or “nearly 100,” this reports 100); (2) numeric approximations substituted for rounded estimates (e.g., “hundreds,” “thousands,” “hundreds of thousands,” and “several” are reported as 200, 2000, 200000, and 3, respectively); and (3) if no publicly available estimate is available, these data report zero. Remitted civil money penalties are not included. These data do not reflect non-publicly available information about consumer relief and penalties resulting from public enforcement actions. Historically, we have reported non-public information in the aggregate, thereby protecting confidential information. Because these reported data are based only on publicly available data, totals of these data will differ from historic aggregated totals that included non-publicly available information.

Figure 4

Cumulative consumer relief

This interactive graph shows the cumulative ordered consumer relief resulting from CFPB enforcement actions from our inception to the present. Hover over the line to view the cumulative relief at a given point in time as well as the details of each enforcement action.

Source: CFPB Enforcement Actions Data
Date Published: December 2020
Download: CSV file
Notes: These data reflect publicly available information available for each public enforcement action. As such, in some instances these reported data reflect (1) estimations made at the time of initial filing (e.g., if an order stated “about 100” or “nearly 100,” this reports 100); (2) numeric approximations substituted for rounded estimates (e.g., “hundreds,” “thousands,” “hundreds of thousands,” and “several” are reported as 200, 2000, 200000, and 3, respectively); and (3) if no publicly available estimate is available, these data report zero. Remitted civil money penalties are not included. These data do not reflect non-publicly available information about consumer relief and penalties resulting from public enforcement actions. Historically, we have reported non-public information in the aggregate, thereby protecting confidential information.  Because these reported data are based only on publicly available data, totals of these data will differ from historic aggregated totals that included non-publicly available information.