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Online Forms

Indian Affairs (IA) and Paperwork Reduction Act Forms

IA-specific forms as well as IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) forms can be found on this page (see tabs below) along with links to other government websites for specific forms. Additionally, some forms pertaining to the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) can be found on this page. Other BIE forms may be accessed on the BIE website: https://www.bie.edu

Please note that the office or program that develops the form must also perform the 508 compliance check (and address any issues), contact the IA Privacy Officer (if applicable), and construct any 'fillable' forms (if applicable). RACA will review forms and provide basic edits, as well as ensure the header contains the date and/or version of the form and the name of the office or program form 'owner.'

Comments and questions related *only* to the Online Forms webpage may be directed to the IA Forms Manager: IAFormsManager@bia.gov.

***NOTE: We cannot answer questions regarding Tribal enrollment, ancestry, benefits, CDIB, or related questions.***
Please research BIA's webpages for information regarding these and other issues. For questions regarding tracing your ancestry specifically, please go to the Office of Indian Services' Genealogy webpage here:

DOI Forms

If you are a Department of the Interior employee and are trying to locate a DOI form, please go to this webpage: https://www.doi.gov/eforms.

Standard (SF), Optional (OF), and other Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Forms are available at: http://www.opm.gov/forms/.

General Service's Administration (GSA) SF, OF, and other forms are available at: https://www.gsa.gov/reference/forms

***NOTE: forms that are noted below as being in MS-Word or Excel format should be opened using Google Chrome (due to issues with Internet Explorer (IE) and Excel/Word)***

Online Indian Affairs Forms

Title Description
Accounts Payable (AP) Return of Funds Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only] Please use this form for Return of Funds originating from an Accounts Payable or ASAP Payment Transactions

Application for Restoration of Annual Leave

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Request to restore annual leave

Approved Deviation from the Buy Indian Act

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Memorandum/form

BIA 2501 - Safety Management Quarterly and Cumulative Report

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 2502 - Tort Claim Payments and Third Party Recoveries

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 5) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 2503 - Property Damage from Accidental Causes

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 2504 - Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 6) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 2505 - Fire Damage

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 2506 - Safety Training

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

BIA 4287 - Request for Relief of Collection Officer

Used for requesting relief on behalf of a Collection Officer when a loss has been incurred. Instructions are also included. 

BIA 4311 - Receiving Report

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]

BIA 4314 - Requisition

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form is for purchases up to the micropurchase threshold; all other purchases should use the "BIA/BIE Electronic Purchase Request (EPR) Form".

BIA 4335 - Donation of Personal Property to Indian Tribes or Tribal Organizations

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form is used by the Division of Property Management. 

BIA 4432 - Verification of Indian Preference for Employment

See the IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) tab for this form

BIA/BIE Electronic Purchase Request (EPR) Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  If the FBMS approval will not be completed by the direct program supervisor, this form must be completed by the requesting program or school and signed by the cost center supervisor (at a minimum). See 22 IAM 3 for additional details.

BIA/BIE eQIP Request Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only] Form created by the Office of Human Capital Management

BIE Section 504 Checklist

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Consent for Initial Evaluation Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Consent to Review Evaluative Information

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Eligibility Determination Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Identification Determination Summary

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP)

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Invitation to 504 Meeting

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Manifestation Determination Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Parent Input Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Rights and Procedural Safeguards Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

BIE Section 504 Teacher Input Form

BIE uses these forms to implement NPM-EDUC-33: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Buy Indian Act Compliance Review Checklist

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Checklist

Capitalized ABZON Request Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]

Carryover Appeal Request Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form is used to submit a carryover funding request to the DAS-M 

Categorical Exclusion Exception Review (CEER) Checklist

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Checklist that can be used to facilitate compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); also used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)


See the IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) tab for this form

Certification of Final Inspection

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Certification of Permanently Corrected Deficiencies

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is a Word form used by the Division of Safety and Risk Management (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)  

Certification of Preliminary Site Evaluation

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Checklist for HIP Applications

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Deed Form - AIPRA

Form used by the Pacific Region

Deed Form - Special
Deed Form - Standard

Form used by the Pacific Region

Environmental and Disposal Liability Location of Concern (LOC) Notification Form
Equipment Operation Data Form

(Formerly DI-120) Division of Property Excel form used by programs to document monthly fleet utilization  (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Equipment Operation Data Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form is used by the Division of Property Management (Excel) (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Exit Clearance Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This (Word) form applies to ASIA, BIA, and BIE (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

FBMS FED Excel Form Instructions

Instructions for the Excel upload

FBMS FED Form - Excel Form

Excel upload file (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

FBMS FED Form and Instructions

Data entry form and instructions

FBMS Paper Purchase Request Form

This form is no longer in use; see the "BIA 4314 - Requisition" form or the "BIA/BIE Electronic Purchase Request (EPR) Form".

Federal Register documents: DOI Briefing Paper Template

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Template (Word) used to obtain Departmental clearance for Federal Register documents (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Federal Register documents: Formatting Checklist

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Checklist

Financial Assistance and Social Services Report (FASSR)

Welfare Assistance program form (Excel) (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

General Purpose Receipt (BIA 5-777)

IA Accounting Operations form

HIP - Authorization to Release Information

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

HIP - Grant Agreement (Sample)

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Hiring Controls form - ASIA/BIE

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is a Word form that serves as an exemption request for hiring controls for use by ASIA and BIE  (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Hiring Controls form - BIA

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form serves as an exemption request for hiring controls for use by BIA.

IA Annual Incidental Motor Vehicle Operator's Certification

[Note: This document is for IA Internal Use Only] This certification statement is completed annually by incidental motor vehicle operators (see 25 IAM 4 for more details).  

IA Compressed Work Schedule Agreement

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Request for Compressed work schedule

IA Flexitime (Gliding Schedule) Work Schedule Agreement

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Request for Flexitime work schedule

IA Maxiflex Work Schedule Agreement

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Request for Maxiflex work schedule

IA Motor Vehicle Operator Authorization Card

[Note: This document is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is the template used by the Division of Safety and Risk Management to issue Motor Vehicle Operator Authorization cards

IA Waiver Request Form

IT acquisition related

IIM Accounts: Assessment and Evaluation Form

This form is used as part of the BIA's Office of Indian Services Division of Human Services' supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) program. 

IIM Accounts: Assessment Request - Outside of Service Area Procedures

This guidance is related to the BIA's Office of Indian Services Division of Human Services' supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) program. 

IIM Accounts: Distribution Plan Form

This form is used as part of the BIA's Office of Indian Services Division of Human Services' supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) program. 

IIM Accounts: Major Purchase Request Worksheet

This form is used as part of the BIA's Office of Indian Services Division of Human Services' supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) program. 

IIM Accounts: Six Month Case File Review Form

This form is used as part of the BIA's Office of Indian Services Division of Human Services' supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) program. 

Impaired Fire Protection Systems Quarterly Report

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Indian Affairs Harassing Conduct Allegation Intake Form

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This form should be used by all IA officials to record a report of harassing conduct.

Justification for Space

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  Space Management

Land Description Review Worksheet
Logistics Service/Transfer of Equipment Request

This is a combined form that should be used when requesting any services from the Indian Affairs Logistics Office or when requesting any piece of equipment or sensitive minor item with an Indian Affairs/DOI Inventory Tag be moved from one location to another.

Mortgage HB Attachment 2: Leasehold Mortgage Lender Checklist

See the IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) tab for this form. This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 3: Leasehold Mortgage Loan Checklist

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 4: Leasehold Acknowledgement Incomplete Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 5: Leasehold Acknowledgement Complete Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 6: Leasehold ROW Acknowledgement Complete Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 7: NEPA Cat Ex Checklist

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 8: Superintendent Recommendation Memorandum

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 9: Leasehold Approved Decision Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 10: Leasehold Certificate of Approval

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 11: Leasehold Disapproval Decision Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 12: Leasehold Lender Transmittal Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 13: Trust Land Mortgage Loan Checklist

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 14: Land Mortgage Acknowledgement Incomplete Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 15: Land Mortgage Agency Transmittal Memorandum

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 16: Trust Land Mortgage Commitment to Approve Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 17: BIA Disclosure Statement

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 18: Land Mortgage Certificate of Approval

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 19: Land Mortgage Disapproval Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 20: Land Mortgage Lender Transmittal Letter

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 21: RD Recommendation Memorandum

This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Mortgage HB Attachment 22: Land Mortgage Lender Loan Checklist

See the IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) tab for this form. This form is used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. (Word version only)

Motor Vehicle Operator Report

[Note: This document is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is the report template (Excel) to be used by Safety Managers as detailed in 25 IAM 4. (note: please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Notice of Designation (BIA 4285)

IA Accounting Operations form

Notice of Hazard Identification Quarterly Report

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Notice of Project Completion

Form used as part of the Housing Improvement Program (HIP)

Obligation in Expired Fund Request Form

This form is intended for use when requesting an FBMS override to record an obligation in an expired fund

Occupational Safety and Health Program Evaluation Corrective Action Plan

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is a Word form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

OSHA Notice and/or Site Visit Quarterly Report

[Note: This form is for IA Internal Use Only]  This is an Excel form used by the Division of Safety & Risk Management (see 25 IAM 3) (please open using Chrome due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs.)

Petition for Partition

Form used by the Pacific Region


OMB Number Title Description
1076-0017 Application for Financial Assistance and Social Services

Any individual or family may apply for BIA Financial Assistance and Social Services by completing the application process with the assistance of the Social Worker.  A Word version of the Application for Financial Assistance and Social Services (FASS) and Individual Self-Sufficiency (ISP)/Case Plan is available on the Division of Human Services website: https://www.bia.gov/bia/ois/dhs/financial-assistance.

Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISP)/Case Plan
1076-0018 Tribal Colleges and Universities Grant Application

The Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1802-1815) allows for tribally controlled community colleges to apply for grants for the purpose of ensuring continued and expanded education opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students. The implementing regulations at 25 CFR 41 establishes the process for tribally controlled colleges to apply for the grants. For more information, please visit bie.edu.

1076-0020 Assignment of Loan Documents and Related Rights

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) implements the Loan Guarantee, Insurance, and Interest Subsidy Program, 25 U.S.C. 1451, et seq., the purpose of which is to encourage private lending to individual Indians and Indian organizations by providing lenders with loan guarantees or loan insurance to reduce their potential risk.  The forms associated with this collection allows IEED to determine the eligibility and credit-worthiness of respondents and loans and otherwise ensure compliance with program requirements.

The forms are available on the Division of Capital Investment website (located at the bottom of the page): https://www.bia.gov/as-ia/ieed/division-capital-investment.

Claim for Loss
Interest Subsidy Report
Loan Guarantee Agreement
Loan Insurance Agreement
Notice of Default
Notice of Insured Loan
Request for Loan Guarantee, Loan Insurance, and/or Interest Subsidy
1076-0021 Electrical Service Application

BIA collects information to operate and maintain it's electric power utilities to serve electric power consumers and to fulfill reporting requirements.

1076-0047 Reindeer Sale Permit and Report Form

These forms are collected to monitor and regulation the possession and use of Alaskan reindeer by non-Natives in Alaska.  An applicant must fill out an application for a permit to get a reindeer for any purpose, and is required to report on the status of reindeer annually or when change occurs, including changing prior to the date of the annual report.

Special Use Permit for Public Display of Alaska Reindeer
Special Use Reindeer Report
1076-0094 Dissolution of Marriage Application

Marriage License Application and Dissolution of Marriage Application

Marriage License Application
1076-0104 Ancestry Chart (BIA-8305) (MS-Word)

Groups seeking Federal acknowledgment under 25 CFR 83 may use the following forms under OMB# 1076-0104 (which includes BIA forms 8304 (Individual History Chart), 8305 (Ancestry Chart) and 8306 (Membership Roll)) to provide a complete list of members of the group seeking recognition.  Groups may submit the information on their own forms.

Ancestry Chart (BIA-8305) (PDF)
Individual History Chart (BIA-8304) (MS-Word)
Individual History Chart (BIA-8304) (PDF)
Membership Roll (BIA-8306) (MS-Word)
Membership Roll (BIA-8306) (PDF)
1076-0114 Haskell Indian Nations University Admission Application

For more information regarding admission to Haskell Indian Nations University, please visit Haskell's website: https://www.haskell.edu/.

For more information regarding admission to Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI), please visit SIPI's website: https://www.sipi.edu/.

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) Admission Application
1076-0120 Adult Education Annual Report Form

The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) annually collects information to prioritize programs and measure the success of programs.  This annual report helps manage the resources available to provide education opportunities for adult Indians and Alaska Natives to complete high school graduation requirements and gain new skills and knowledge for their self-enhancement.  For more information on the Adult Education program, please visit www.bie.edu.

1076-0122 Data Elements for Student Enrollment in Bureau-funded Schools

This form is used for by Bureau-funded school registrars to collect information to determine student's eligibility for enrollment in a Bureau-funded school.  If eligible, the information is shared with appropriate schools officials to identify the student's base and supplemental educational and/or residential program needs.

1076-0131 Indian Child Welfare Quarterly and Annual Report

The BIA collects information using the consolidated caseload form, which tribal ICWA program directors complete. BIA uses the information to determine the extent of service needs in local Indian communities, assess ICWA program effectiveness, and provide data for the annual program budget justification.

1076-0134 BIE Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) Student Transportation Form

This form is used by Bureau-funded Schools to determine the rate per mile and allocation of transportation funds.  The Student Transportation regulations in 25 CFR part 39, subpart G, contain the program eligibility and criteria that govern the allocation of transportation funds.  This information is also collected using a web-based system, Web Education Transportation (Web ET).

1076-0135 477 Financial Report Form and Instructions (Excel)

Reporting System for P.L. 102-477 Demonstration Project

477 Narrative Report
477 Statistical Report and Instructions
Application for Job Placement and/or Training Assistance
1076-0141 Annual Assessment Waiver Application

In order for irrigators to receive water deliveries, information is needed by the BIA to operate and maintain its irrigation projects and fulfill reporting requirements. Water users must apply for water delivery and for a number of other associated services, such as, subsidizing a farm unit, requesting leaching service, requesting water for domestic or stock purposes, building structures or fences in BIA rights-of-way, requesting payment plans on bills, establishing a carriage agreement with a third-party, negotiating irrigation incentives leases, and requesting an assessment waiver.

Incentive Agreement
Land Classification/Designation Application
Request for Customer Information
Request for Irrigation Services
1076-0143 Self-Governance Minimum Data Collection

Tribes and Tribal consortia that have entered into Self-Governance funding agreements are requested to submit certain information as described in 25 CFR part 1000.

1076-0153 CDIB (PDF)

This is the Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) form. Instructions are included with the form.


1076-0157 Form 5-5243 - Performance Bond

Grazing Permits

The parties submitting information are Tribes, Tribal organizations authorized by Indian Tribal governments, individual Indians, and non-Indians seeking grazing permits on land held by the U.S. Government in trust for Tribes and individual indians.  

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) uses the information provided through these forms, approved under OMB# 1076-0157, to issue and administer grazing permits on Indian trust lands under the regulations at 25 CFR 166.  Individuals seeking grazing permits provide information such as: name, address, phone number, number of livestock owned, type of livestock, class of livestock, season of use, brand information, brand ownership, brand location, grazing fee bid information, range improvement location and value, and information relating to permit violations or livestock trespass. 

Form 5-5514 - Bid for Grazing Privileges
Form 5-5515 - Grazing Permit
Form 5-5516 - Grazing Permit for Organized Tribes
Form 5-5517 - Free Grazing Permit
Form 5-5519 - Cash Penal Bond for Grazing Permits
Form 5-5520 - Power of Attorney
Form 5-5521 - Certificate and Application for On-and-Off Grazing Permit
Form 5-5522 - Modification of Grazing Permit (Form 5-5515)
Form 5-5523 - Assignment of Grazing Permit
Form 5-5524 - Application for Allocation of Grazing Privileges
Form 5-5525 - Authority to Grant Grazing Privileges on Allotted Lands
Form 5-5528 - Livestock Crossing Permit
Form 5-5529 - Removable Range Improvement Records
1076-0160 BIA 4432 - Verification of Indian Preference for Employment (PDF)

Applicants seeking employment in the Indian Health Service and/or Indian Affairs use this form to establish evidence of Indian preference as part of the application process. The Family History Chart is also used as part of the Indian Preference verification process.

Family History Chart (PDF)
1076-0162 Navajo Partitioned Lands: Grazing Permits (Form 5-5015)

This information is used by the Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and the Navajo Nation to determine eligibility for a Navajo Partitioned Land (NPL) grazing permit and to administer permits once issues.  Information is submitted by individual Navajo tribal members wanting to obtain or modify a grazing permit and by departments and officials of the Navajo Nation.

Navajo Partitioned Lands: Modification of Grazing Permit (Form 5-5022)
1076-0164 Authorization for Medical Care of a Minor

This is a BIE form which gives permission for a physician, surgeon, or dentist to provide necessary care to a child whose parents are not immediately available.

1076-0176 IDEIA Tribal Count Data Requirements for Part B
IDEIA Tribal Count Data Requirements Part C
1076-0179 BIE Advisory Board for Exceptional Education Membership Nomination Form

This form is used to submit nominations for individuals to serve on the Federal advisory committee, the Advisory Board for Exceptional Children.

1076-0180 Application for Permit to Drill Environmental Assessment Questionnaire

The United States holds the subsurface mineral estate in Osage County, Oklahoma (Osage Mineral Estate) in trust for the benefit of the Osage Nation. The regulations set forth in 25 CFR 226, implement that statute by specifying what information a lessee must provide related to drilling, development, and production of oil and gas on Osage reservation land.  The BIA collects this information to administer the leasing and development of the Osage Mineral Estate as well as to ensure that all royalties and revenues derived from the Osage Mineral Estate are collected and accounted for and that the oil and gas trust assets, surface estate, natural resources, and human environment are adequately protected.

Form 139 - Application for Permit to Drill or Reenter
Form 208 - Well Completion or Recompletion Report and Log
Form 229 - Waterflood Operating Report
Form A - Osage Gas Mining Lease
Form B - Osage Oil Mining Lease
Form C - Osage Oil and Gas Mining Lease
Form D - Osage Mining Leases Bond
Form E - Evidence of Authority of Officers to Execute Papers
Form F - Assignment of Lease Form
Form G - Osage Mining Leases Collective Bond
Form H - Bond to Accompany Assignment of Mining Leases of Osage Lands
Monthly Accounting Forms (Osage Form No. 133, 157, 300, 101 & 101A)
Osage Assignment of Liability Form
Osage Easement for Saltwater Disposal Well
Osage Lease Status Report (Unplugged Wells Only)
Osage Mineral Reserve Trucking Permit
Osage Mining Lease Modification Form
Osage Spill Reporting and Remediation Form
Osage Tank Bottom Oil Report
Template Letter for List of Corporate Officers
1076-0181 Right-of-Way Application

This application is a request for the BIA to grant a right-of-way to cross land held in trust or restricted status on behalf of individual Indians and tribes under the terms and provisions of 25 U.S.C. 323-328 and 25 CFR 169. Please use Standard Form (SF)-299 for rights-of-way on Federal land.  

1076-0183 Secretarial Election Voter Registration Form

This form is used by Tribal members to register in an upcoming Secretarial election as authorized by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior (or his/her designee) to adopt, amend, or revoke a Tribal constitution or a charter of incorporation issued under Federal statute. (in Word) (note: please open any form noted as being in Excel or Word using Chrome (instead of Internet Explorer) due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs)

1076-0184 HIP GPRA Form (in Excel)

Housing Improvement Program (HIP) forms (note: please open any form noted as being in Excel or Word using Chrome (instead of Internet Explorer) due to issues with IE and Excel/Word docs)

HIP Housing Assistance Application (BIA 6407)
HIP Housing Assistance Application Instructions
Tribal Annual Performance Report (TAPR) - macro-enabled (in Excel)
Tribal Annual Performance Report (TAPR) - non-macro enabled (manual entry only) (in Excel)
1076-0188 Self-Certification of Appraiser Qualifications

An appraiser may complete this self-certification if they meet the criteria in 43 CFR § 100.200.

1076-0190 Child Protection Safety Annual Report

The Highway Safety Act of 1966, 23 U.S.C. § 402, provides the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Office of Justice Services (OJS), Indian Highway Safety Program (IHSP) through the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), funding to assist federally recognized tribes in implementing traffic safety projects.  Tribes receiving grant awards are required to submit a monthly progress report, including a Request for Reimbursement (RFR) with supporting documentation. The spreadsheet tabulates the data from one month to the next as statistics are entered, and eventually carried into the Annual Report.  The spreadsheet was designed to assist the tribes in compiling the data reported on a monthly basis to reduce the tribe’s burden in completing the report at the end of the grant year.

Child Protection Safety Monthly Report
Law Enforcement Grant Monthly and Annual Report
1076-0195 Land Mortgage Lender Loan Checklist

These forms are used as part of the mortgage process, as described in 52 IAM 4-H. These documents are in Word only.

Leasehold Mortgage Lender Checklist
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