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Foreign Policy

President Trump's America First policies worked and helped restore our Nation. We must hold other nations accountable for meeting their funding commitments to NATO and establish that the days of the United States footing the bill for everything are over. I oppose sending unlimited taxpayer money overseas while we face our own challenges domestically.

I believe in standing with our allies. America’s closest ally is Israel, and I have stood with them through countless attacks from the radical left. When Democrats raised the debt ceiling and stripped Israel of funding for the Iron Dome, I called them out. I stood up when Biden proposed sending $235 million to Hamas when they were attacking and bombing our ally, Israel. As ­­­­a representative for Colorado, I believe my constituents' concerns come first.

In order to succeed in the international realm, we need an America First policy that projects economic, military, and moral strength to our adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. I will fight against Biden’s efforts to reenter the Iran Nuclear Deal, and I believe we should have continued President Trump’s successful maximum pressure campaign.

I support continuing the Trump administration’s free and fair trade policies that stood up to bullies and put American workers first. I am a strong advocate for the USMCA, and I will continue to work hard to support trade policies that boost the American economy and increase wages.

The U.S. is the greatest country in the world, and we need a corresponding foreign policy. America should lead by example. Biden’s pitiful lead from behind strategy in his botched Afghanistan failure cost the lives of 13 U.S. Marines, sailors, and soldiers.

Additionally, I believe that strong energy policy corresponds with strong foreign policy. Russia was emboldened after the Biden Administration shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and severely restricted domestic energy production. I introduced the Ukraine Assistance and American Energy Acceleration Act to get America back on a path towards energy independence by restarting the Keystone XL pipeline immediately, banning Russian oil and natural gas, and resuming oil and natural gas leasing on American land. Additionally, my bill sought to provide a targeted amount of humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine.

When Democrats invited U.N. bureaucrats to label law enforcement officers as racists, I called them out for their anti-American garbage. And when Democrats introduced the America CONCEDES Act to funnel $8 billion to China in “climate change” money laundering, I was proud to put America first and vote no.

I introduced the Paris Agreement Constitutional Treaty Act to prohibit Congress from spending funds on the Paris Agreement until the Senate ratifies it. I joined over 100 Members in protecting the Second Amendment and urging Biden not to rejoin the unconstitutional United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

I cosponsored the COI Elimination Act that will abolish a United Nations anti-Israel commission of inquiry and restrict U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding the commission. I cosponsored the Countering Russian Influence in our Politics Act, legislation that requires any group receiving money from Russian sources to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

I cosponsored the Securing America’s Land from Foreign Interference Act to prevent the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from owning land in the United States. I cosponsored the Beat China Act to incentivize companies to combat the supply chain crisis.

I cosponsored the Prevent Taliban Support Act that prevents the use of any U.S. government funds to provide any kind of support to the Taliban. I cosponsored the Afghanistan Accountability Act that requires an after-action extensive report on the Administration’s mismanagement of the crisis in Afghanistan\.

I have fought Democrats every step of the way in their fight to put America last, and I won’t stop now. I will put America first now and always. If the tragedy and chaos of the Biden regime has taught us anything, it is that the world is safer when America is strong. American strength comes from putting America first, and I will keep standing for America first policies every day.