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Build Back Better Act

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The 2022 budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 14) laid the groundwork for the Build Back Better Act by providing the option of using the budget reconciliation process to make historic investments in our communities and country. Without reconciliation, the bold action outlined by the President could languish indefinitely in the Senate, putting the future well-being and prosperity of Americans at risk. This reconciliation bill is the next step toward implementing the plan.

The Build Back Better Act makes the transformative investments at the scale necessary to meet the needs of the American people, address dangerous deficits in our society, improve our economic outlook, and set America up to compete and win in the decades ahead.

Bill Text

Build Back Better Act Rules Committee Print (November 3, 2021) Download PDF

Build Back Better Act Rules Committee Print (October 28, 2021) Download PDF

Text of the Build Back Better Act (As Reported) Download PDF


Build Back Better Act Rules Committee Print Section-by-Section (November 3, 2021) Download PDF

Build Back Better Act Rules Committee Print Section-by-Section (October 28, 2021) Download PDF

Official House Budget Committee Report

  1. Rept. 117-130, Book 1
  2. Rept. 117-130, Book 2
  3. Rept. 117-130, Book 3


Other House Budget Committee Resources