Reports and Documents

2022 Hurricane Season Quick Resource Guide

Be prepared! Check out our Hurricane Season Quick Resource Guide. May 2022

2021 Annual Report

It has been a challenging, eventful year for us all, and the work of the Congress reflects that. Despite a difficult beginning, this has been a very productive Congress. I am glad to share with you a summary of some of the highlights of this work in this 2021 Annual Report.  December 30, 2021

2021 Mid-Year Report

During the first half of this year, we have reached new milestones and my team has heard from so many in our community regarding the work my office does.  I hope you will take a look at our 2021 Mid-Year Report for Texas’ Seventh Congressional District to see highlights of that work all in one place, including casework success, legislative highlights, and more! July 2, 2021

2020 Annual Report

As we reach the end of this year, and the end of the 116th Congress, I am glad to share with you an Annual Report on the work I have done as your representative to the United States Congress. December 28, 2020

2020 Mid-Year Report

This has been an unprecedented year for Congress and for our district.  The challenges and changes to our lives that the pandemic has brought have been the focus of much of the work of the Congress.  At the same time, my team and I have continued work on other matters of importance to our community.  I am glad to share some of the highlights of the first six months of the year and of the 116th Congress to date in this report. July 13, 2020 

2019 Annual Report

2019 was an eventful, historic year.  I am proud of the work my office did in 2019 to advance the priorities of our community and our country.  From disaster recovery to health care to trade, we have focused on the things that matter most to you, and, in doing so, helped Americans across the country. January 2, 2020 

First Six Months Report

It is an honor to serve the amazing people, neighborhoods, businesses, and organizations that make up Texas’ Seventh Congressional District. I am so proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish in the past six months by working together and working towards solutions that benefit our community. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress and constituents at home to advocate for issues that matter most to us. July 2, 2019 

COVID-19 Community Resource Guide

My team and I have prepared this Resource Guide with information to help you navigate the various avenues of support—from health care to nutrition to small business assistance—as well as answer some frequently asked questions.  We have also included information about what Congress has done in response to COVID-19; but please know, as we do, that our work is not done. Last updated July 2, 2020

COVID-19 Small Business Resource Guide

As part of our ongoing efforts to respond to COVID-19, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide, among other things, grants and loans for small businesses and non-profit organizations that are administered by a network of local banks.  This is a new program, and as it launches, my team and I have prepared a Small Business Resource Guide to provide a helpful framework for the different funding opportunities that are available to and the application process. Last updated December 4, 2020