
There are several ways to contact our office. You can send an email below by entering your zip code to complete step one of the two step process or contact one of our offices. Please visit the tour request and help with a federal agency pages to complete those tasks.


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Office Locations

Decatur Office
5240 Snapfinger Park Drive, Ste 140
Decatur, GA 30035
Phone: (770) 987-2291
Fax: (770) 987-8721

Washington, DC Office
2240 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-1605
Fax: (202) 226-0691

Office Locations

Recent Votes

Date Roll Call Bill Vote
9/15/2022 437 H.R.2988 Yea
9/15/2022 436 H.R.2988 Aye
9/15/2022 435 H.R.8326 Yea
9/15/2022 434 H.R.8326 No
9/15/2022 433 H.R.8326 Aye