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Press Releases

July 14, 2022
"Now that the Supreme Court has ruled for life, we must help mothers and their young children. Life begins at conception and expecting mothers should receive benefits they would otherwise receive after giving birth,” said Moolenaar. "Every child is a precious gift and this legislation will help mothers prepare for the arrival of their newborns.”
July 13, 2022
"Under President Biden, Michigan families have been forced to take a pay cut because their money does not go as far as it used to. President Biden and the Democrats need to abandon their plans for another partisan spending bill, which they are pursuing right now. Michigan families cannot afford for them to double down on the inflation they have caused with their policies in the past year and a half,” said Congressman John Moolenaar. “When Republicans last held the House, Senate, and White House, we had low inflation, affordable energy, and a strong economy. We can have those again if Democrats stop pursuing their failed policies.”
June 30, 2022
"I have been leading the opposition against President Biden's vaccine mandate since it was announced. As he continues to push for pandemic mandates, I will do everything I can to make sure Americans across the country have the right to decide whether they get a COVID vaccine,"  said Moolenaar.
June 30, 2022
“For far too long Michigan farmers and businesses have been overregulated by unelected EPA bureaucrats who are out of touch with the realities on the ground. Today’s Court ruling gives Congress more power to pass policies the American people want, and I will fight for common-sense ideas that strengthen the economy, protect our outdoor heritage, and help Michigan families," said Congressman John Moolenaar.
June 30, 2022
"This is a common-sense amendment because taxpayers simply do not want their hard-earned money being used to pay for crack pipes. That is why I worked hard to introduce this amendment and make sure tax dollars are never used for that," said Moolenaar. "HHS must be a responsible steward of taxpayer funding and ensure that the programs it funds are helping those who are in need without prolonging their addiction."
June 29, 2022
"Line 5 is one of the most important energy sources for Michigan families, many of whom rely on propane to heat their homes each winter. With President Biden blocking a pipeline on his first day in office, my amendment would help ensure Line 5 remains open, by prohibiting Biden from using taxpayer dollars to shut it down. Pipelines are the safest way to transport the energy, and I will continue to fight for affordable and reliable energy for Michigan families,” said Moolenaar.
June 28, 2022
"Parents across America are demanding better educational opportunities for their children and it is outrageous for the Attorney General to target them for using their First Amendment right to freedom of speech," said Moolenaar. "My amendment would prohibit him from using taxpayer funding to intimidate and profile parents who attend school board meetings to speak up for their children. I am disappointed my Democratic colleagues sided against parents in voting against my amendment today.”
June 28, 2022
"Michigan families feel the increased costs of food and gas every day. Inflation is at record levels and President Biden's reckless spending has made the problem worse. Sadly, Michigan residents will have to pay nearly 20 percent more than last year to celebrate the Fourth of July with their friends and family. I will continue to fight for American energy independence, and do everything I can to stop Biden’s spending proposals. When Republicans were in charge, Americans had affordable energy, low inflation, and record low unemployment. We can do it again if President Biden reverses his failed policies,” said Congressman John Moolenaar.
June 27, 2022
"Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are guaranteed to all Americans in the First Amendment, and this ruling is a victory for all who value those rights. No one should have to fear losing their job because of their faith,” said Congressman John Moolenaar.
June 24, 2022
“Due-process is a right guaranteed to every American, and no citizen should have that right taken away. I voted against this bill because it would take the hard-earned money of Michigan taxpayers and give it to states so they can enforce unconstitutional laws that deny Americans their due process and Second Amendment rights,” said Congressman John Moolenaar.