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Student artist smiling with paint brush and paint palette
Learn more about the Artistic Discovery Contest open to all high school students that live in our Congressional District. You may also fill out an entry form to send to our office.

Fill out the online form to request a Congressional Commendation or a Presidential Greeting for someone living in our district.

Community Project Funding allows local governments and qualified non-profits to receive a one-time, small to medium-sized allocation to complete projects of local importance and priority. All funds will be limited to state and local governments and nonprofits that carry out quasi-government functions. For-profit institutions, such as private companies, will not be eligible for funding. As your Member of Congress, Representative Pappas is committed to advocating for these and other federal appropriations of importance to the First District.

United States Flag Flown Over Capitol
Purchase U.S. flags through our office. You may also request the flags purchased through our office be flown over the Capitol.

Computer screen applying for a Grant

The following resources are for people seeking information or assistance applying for Federal Grants. Please contact our office for additional information or assistance.

The following is compiled by the Congressional Research Service.

Federal Office building with columns
If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, our office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need.

Federal Office Building entrance with columns

If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, our office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need. While we cannot guarantee you a favorable outcome, we will do our best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your problem.

Residents of the 1st Congressional District of New Hampshire can contact us for assistance in dealing with Federal agencies. In order to better serve you, this form will generate a printable page that you should sign and mail to our office.

Lincoln Memorial sunrise view
Information and instruction for people seeking an internship in either the Washington DC or a district office.

Naval Academy students in Annapolis
Information and instruction for people seeking nomination to a U.S. Military Academy. You may also fill out a form requesting a military academy nomination.

Congressman Chris Pappas

Welcome to our nation’s capital! I am very excited that you will have the opportunity to explore and discover the rich history of this city. From the many museums containing our treasured past, to the bustling streets once traveled by some of our nation’s most important forebearers, there is much to do and see while you are here.