

I’m proud to represent one of the most diverse and productive agricultural areas in the world. Northern California is the second largest rice growing region in the nation, we produce over 90% of America’s domestic olives, and we grow over half of all the dried plum produced in the world. Our farmers are also international leaders in almond, walnut, and pistachio production, among other crops.

As a rice farmer, I understand the unique challenges and obstacles facing our agricultural industry, from excessive state and federal regulations, unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic weather conditions, volatile markets, and significant barriers preventing new and young farmers from gaining stability.

During the very first Farm Bill I worked on as a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I advocated for eliminating costly direct payments, streamlining federal programs, investing in our specialty crops, and ensuring farmers have the tools they need to endure uncertainties, such as droughts or wildfires. We now must build off those successes as Congress continues to move toward reauthorizing the 2018 Farm Bill. I will continue advocating for policies that provide relief from burdensome red tape, develop new markets for our products, increase flexibility for our ranchers and foresters, and target resources to rural development and broadband expansion.

In Congress, I will continue to fight to ensure our farmers and rancher have the support, certainty and clarity they need to continuing feeding our nation and the world.

For more information concerning my work and views related to Agriculture, please contact me.

More on Agriculture

Jul 11, 2013 Press Release

Washington, DC – Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) today announced passage of an amendment to the House Energy and Water Appropriations providing relief to farms, ranches and forestry work by ending excessive regulatory overreach. The Clean Water Act (CWA) exempts routine agricultural work, such as plowing, harvesting and the maintenance of drainage ditches, from permitting requirements. However, overzealous federal agencies had interpreted other portions of the Act to require cumbersome and expensive permits, which often prevented otherwise normal agricultural work.

May 16, 2013 Press Release

Washington, DC – Late last night, Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) voted for the 2013 farm bill during a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee. The bill, H.R. 1947 eliminates direct subsidy payments, modernizes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, institutes new fraud prevention measures and reduces spending by $40 billion. The measure is expected to be debated on the house floor in June.

May 16, 2013 Press Release

Washington, DC – Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) today successfully passed an amendment to the federal Farm Bill which requires electronic fraud prevention measures and eliminates bonus pay for signing up new recipients. Specifically, the amendment requires the use of existing electronic databases to determine whether applicants are prohibited from receiving food stamp benefits.
