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Community Project Funding Requests

Community Project Funding Requests

This year the House Appropriations Committee will implement a new Community Project Funding (CPF) initiative to allow Members of Congress to directly address the most significant needs of the communities they represent.

Please read the eligibility criteria and selection guidance carefully before submitting a request. Submission of this information does not create a binding commitment on any party nor a guarantee that any organization or program will be awarded funding from any federal agency. You must still apply for your funding through the normal process in addition to his request.

Members of Congress will be allowed to submit 10 qualified, local projects to the Appropriations Committee for consideration of targeted federal funds. If your project is one of the 10 submitted, the full details of your request are required to posted publicly on my website to ensure full transparency. Therefore, all information submitted by a requesting organization should be considered public information.

Click Here for Public Disclosures 

Only the following entities may apply for funding under the Community-Focused Grant Program:

·       State, local, and tribal governments

·       Publicly owned entities (e.g. ports, universities, PUDs, etc.)

·       Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations

In addition, only projects with evidence of strong support from the community will be considered, and evidence of community support and community need is required as part of your submission. This evidence can take the form of a letter from local stakeholders, inclusion on a state or local planning document, letters to the editor in local papers, and many more options discussed further below.  

To submit your final request, have questions on eligibility, or need any assistance, please contact our Legislative team at  upton.appropriations@mail.house.gov.

STEP 1: Initial Interest Form – Due ASAP, please submit fill out THIS FORM so our office can assign your application to the appropriate staffer in advance of the formal application and to ensure your project is eligible.

STEP 2: Formal Application – Due by April 12, 2021 at 12 pm, please complete the comprehensive PDF application (links below) and submit to upton.appropriations@mail.house.gov. Please be sure to include all community support evidence documentation with your application.

 STEP 3: Evaluation. As each Member is only allowed to request funding for 10 Community Projects in their district, I will select the 10 Community Projects that best satisfy these criteria:

  1. The project is solely located in MI-06.
  2. The proposal demonstrates that the Community Project has robust community support. This may be demonstrated through letters of support from elected community leaders; articles in the newspaper highlighting the need; support from newspaper editorial boards; evidence that the projects listed on State intended use plans, community development plans, or other publicly available planning documents; or Resolutions passed by city councils or boards.
  3. The proposal demonstrates that the Community Project will have a significant impact on our community and would be a good use of taxpayer dollars

Overview of Eligible Accounts for Community Project Funding

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

1. USDA Community Facilities Grants: CPF from this account may be used to purchase, construct, or improve essential community facilities in rural areas; to purchase equipment; and pay other related project expenses. These projects must serve a rural area, which the account defines as “rural areas including cities, villages, townships and towns including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands with no more than 20,000 residents according to the latest U.S. Census Data.” This is one of the most flexible accounts; examples of eligible projects include medical or dental clinics, towns halls, courthouses, childcare centers, police or fire departments, public works vehicles, or distance learning equipment.  

BEST FOR: Local governments located in qualified rural areas. 

2. USDA ReConnect Program: CPF from this account may be used for construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment to improve broadband access. The community must be rural and lack sufficient access to broadband service. For the purposes of this account, a rural area is any area which is not located within: (1) A city, town, or incorporated area that has a population of greater than 20,000 inhabitants; or (2) an urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to a city or town that has a population of greater than 50,000 inhabitants. Sufficient access to broadband is defined as greater than 90% of any rural area in which households have fixed, terrestrial broadband service delivering at least 10 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. Mobile and satellite services will not be considered in making the determination of sufficient access to broadband. Please note that eligibility for funding from this account is tricky and will likely be determined on a case-by-case basis; please don’t hesitate to reach out to the staffer listed in the form above with any questions. 

BEST FOR: Local governments.  

3. USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Buildings and Facilities: CPF from this account may be used for ARS-owned facilities or for facilities that will enhance ongoing ARS work. Requests can assist in the acquisition of land, construction, repair, improvement, extension, alteration, and purchase of fixed equipment or facilities. ARS owns and operates laboratories and facilities across the United States. 

BEST FOR: Scientific researchers; local research universities.  

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

4 accounts within this measure are eligible for CPF: 

4. Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG): CPF from this account may be used to assist state, local, and tribal law enforcement efforts to prevent crime, improve the criminal justice system, provide victims’ services, and other related activities. CPF requests designed to help improve police-community relations are strongly encouraged. Historically, the Committee has not funded vehicles or building construction or renovation as part of community project funding under this account. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments; local law enforcement agencies.  

5. Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - Technology & Equipment: CPF from this account may be used by local law enforcement to develop and acquire effective technologies and interoperable communications that assist in investigating, responding to, and preventing crime. These projects should help improve police effectiveness and the flow of information among law enforcement agencies, local government service providers, and the communities they serve. Historically, the Committee has not funded vehicles or building construction or renovation as part of community project funding under this account. 

BEST FOR: Local governments; local law enforcement agencies.  

6. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Operations, Research, and Facilities: CPF from this account may be used for research, demonstration, or education projects performed by external partners or for prioritizing NOAA internal funds for geographically specific projects.  This account does not fund construction projects. Any such project must be aligned with NOAA’s mission and within their existing authorities. Examples of eligible projects include biological research on wildlife, the Great Lakes, wetland restoration, and coastal tidal gauges. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; other research institutions; state and local governments 

7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Safety, Security, and Mission Services: CPF from this account may be used activities consistent with and supportive of the work of NASA’s mission directorates and within the agency’s authorities, such as STEM education activities and scientific research. Examples of such projects include nanomaterials research, antennae for unmanned aerial vehicles, and minority science initiatives. Funding for building construction or renovation projects will not be considered for community project funding. 

BEST FOR: Local nonprofit colleges and universities; K-12 local education agencies; research institutions; local STEM education and workforce training programs.  


8. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Army: CPF from this account may be used to enhance the Army’s scientific and technical knowledge through research, development, test, and evaluation funded by the Department of Defense (DOD) and performed by industry, universities, federal laboratories, and others. Please note that the most likely recipients of funds from this account will be universities conducting research with a DOD element. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; national labs.  

9. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Navy: CPF from this account may be used to enhance the Navy’s scientific and technical knowledge through research, development, test, and evaluation funded by DOD and performed by industry, universities, federal laboratories, and others. Please note that the most likely recipients of funds from this account will be universities conducting research with a DOD element. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; national labs.  

10. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Air Force: CPF from this account may be used to enhance the Air Force’s scientific and technical knowledge through research, development, test, and evaluation funded by DOD and performed by industry, universities, federal laboratories, and others. Please note that the most likely recipients of funds from this account will be universities conducting research with a DOD element. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; national labs.  

11. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Space Force: CPF from this account may be used to enhance the Space Force’s scientific and technical knowledge through research, development, test, and evaluation funded by DOD and performed by industry, universities, federal laboratories, and others. Please note that the most likely recipients of funds from this account will be universities conducting research with a DOD element. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; national labs.   

12. Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Defense-Wide: CPF from this account may be used to enhance DOD’s scientific and technical knowledge through research, development, test, and evaluation funded by the Department of Defense (DOD) and performed by industry, universities, federal laboratories, and others. Please note that the most likely recipients of funds from this account will be universities conducting research with a DOD element. 

BEST FOR: Local research universities; national labs.  

Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies

13. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Only previously authorized projects will be considered for funding. A list of authorized projects can be found here

BEST FOR: Facilitators of authorized projects and their partners.  

14. Bureau of Reclamation - Water and Related Resources: Only previously authorized projects will be considered for funding. A list of authorized projects can be found here

BEST FOR: Facilitators of authorized projects and their partners. 

Financial Services and General Government

15. Small Business Administration, Small Business Initiatives: CPF from this account may be used to support small businesses, including for entrepreneur training, workforce development, counseling, research, and construction or acquisition of facilities. This is one of the most flexible CPF accounts. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments; local community colleges. 

Homeland Security 

16. Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grants: CPF from this account may be used for planning or projects to lessen the impacts of future disasters. Examples of eligible projects include stormwater projects or buying out properties in flood-prone areas. Only projects that meet the requirements detailed in the most recent Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program will be considered for funding, including the cost-share requirement and environmental and historic preservation requirements, as applicable. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments. 

17. Emergency Operations Center Grants: CPF from this account may be used to improve emergency preparedness by supporting secure, strategically located emergency operations centers. Examples of eligible projects include construction and renovation of such centers. Only projects that meet the requirements detailed in the most recent Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Emergency Operations Center Grant Program, including the cost-share requirement and environmental and historic preservation requirements, as applicable, will be considered for funding. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments. 

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

18. Department of the Interior - Land Acquisition Through the Land and Water Conservation Fund: CPF requests under this fund should be for the federal acquisition of lands and water for the purpose of land and habitat conservation and outdoor recreation. Land acquisition projects should be requested through the agency that would manage the land being acquired. The four land management agencies are: (1) the Bureau of Land Management, (2) the Fish and Wildlife Service, (3) the National Park Service; and (4) the Forest Service. The Committee will look favorably upon requests for projects listed in the President’s FY22 Budget Request, as well as those listed in the supplemental LWCF project lists provided by the land management agencies. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments and park districts.

19. Environmental Protection Agency - State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG): CPF from this account may be used to fund local wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects. This includes construction of and modifications to municipal sewage treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants. Similar to past practice, the Committee will be limiting STAG infrastructure grants only to projects that are publicly-owned or owned by a non-profit entity and that are otherwise eligible for the funding from that state’s Clean Water or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) loan programs. There is a minimum 20% cost share requirement for any portion of a project funded through a STAG infrastructure grant.

BEST FOR: Local governments. 

20. U.S. Forest Service - State and Private Forestry: CPF from this account may be used to improve the management, protection, and utilization of the America’s forests, including landscape scale restoration, urban and community forestry, forest disease or pest treatment, and fire assistance. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments; state and local parks services.

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

22. Department of Health and Human Services—Health Resources and Services Administration—Program Management: CPF from this account may be used for construction, renovation, or capital equipment for facilities for provision of health, mental health, or substance abuse services, training of health professionals, or medical research. In addition to construction and renovation, grants can be used to acquire capital equipment, such as lab equipment or x‐ray machines. Funding may also be used for projects to improve education and training of health care professionals, to analyze health workforce trends and needs, to improve health care in rural areas, and for telemedicine and health information technology. 

BEST FOR: public health departments; health centers and clinics; skilled nursing facilities; mental health centers; facilities for schools of medicine, nursing or other health professions; and medical research laboratories. 

23. Department of Health and Human Services—Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—Health Surveillance and Program Support: CPF from this account may be used for (1) programs that promote the prevention or treatment of mental health disorders, including rehabilitation, outreach, and other support services; (2) programs that improve access, reduce barriers, and promote high quality, effective treatment and recovery services; and (3) programs to prevent the onset of illegal drug use, prescription drug misuse and abuse, alcohol misuse and abuse, and underage alcohol and tobacco use.  

BEST FOR: Community health centers; public health departments; local governments.

24. Department of Labor—Training and Employment Services (WIOA Programs): CPF from this account may be used for programs that provide direct training and employment services to individuals and meet Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements. Projects requesting funding must also demonstrate linkage(s) with state or local workforce investment systems and include an evaluation component. Funding cannot be used for construction or renovation of facilities. Examples of eligible projects include workforce training programs, adult education and literacy programs, and youth workforce readiness programs. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments; local community colleges; local workforce development agencies; education providers. 


25. Department of Education—Innovation and Improvement (K-12): CPF from this account may be used for instructional services, afterschool centers, curricula development, teacher training, acquisition of books and computers, arts education, social and emotional learning activities, full-service community schools, and early childhood education. In general, the focus of elementary and secondary education community project funding should be providing early childhood or K‐12 educational services. Special education services, early intervention services for infants and toddlers, transition services, and postsecondary education services are also eligible. Funding may not be used for construction or renovation, with the exception of minor remodeling as part of tech upgrades. 

BEST FOR: State and local education agencies (including local school districts); local nonprofit colleges and universities. 

26. Department of Education—Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): CPF from this account is open to local colleges and universities. Examples of eligible projects include: to hire and train faculty, establish and improve degree programs, improve teacher preparation programs, develop and improve curricula, upgrade technology and telecommunications, acquire science laboratory equipment, provide student support, implement university partnerships with school districts, and establish research and training centers. Special education services, early intervention services for infants and toddlers, transition services, and postsecondary education services are also eligible. Funding may not be used for construction or renovation, with the exception of minor remodeling as part of tech upgrades. 

BEST FOR: Local nonprofit colleges and universities.

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

27. Construction and Unspecified Minor Construction–Active Components: Only projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee through the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs) will be considered eligible for funding. 

BEST FOR: Facilitators of Active Components (Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force, and Defense-Wide Agencies) projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee through the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs).  

28. Construction and Unspecified Minor Construction–Reserve Components: Only projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee through the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs) will be considered eligible for funding. 

BEST FOR: Facilitators of Reserve Components (Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, and Air Force Reserve) projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee through the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs). 

29. Planning and Design: Only projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee though the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs) will be considered eligible for funding. 

BEST FOR:  Facilitators of Active or Reserve Components projects that have been submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense or his/her designee through the Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Unfunded Requirements/Unfunded Priorities Lists (UFRs/UPLs), or cost-to-complete lists (CTCs). 

Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

30. Department of Transportation - Local Transportation Priorities: CPF from this account may be used for highway and bridge construction and repair; transit capital projects; bicycle, pedestrian and recreational trails; and construction of ferry boats and terminals, among other projects. This is one of the most flexible accounts. All projects must be formally supported by the state or local government that would administer the project. 

BEST FOR: State and local governments; metropolitan planning organizations; local transportation agencies; local parks services.  

31. Department of Transportation - Airport Improvement Program (AIP): CPF from this account requests may be used for enhancing airport safety, capacity, and security, and mitigating environmental concerns. Airports should be on the current National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Funding may be used only for facilities and equipment and may not be used for construction or rehabilitation of contract towers. 

BEST FOR: Local airports. 

32. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Economic Development Initiative (EDI): CPF from this account may be used for economic and community development activities, including land or site acquisition, demolition or rehabilitation of housing or facilities, construction and capital improvements of public facilities (including water and sewer facilities), and public services. This is one of the most flexible accounts; funds may also include planning and other activities consistent with the underlying authorization for the Community Development Block Grant program within HUD. EDI community project requests are not eligible for the reimbursement of expenses for activities already undertaken (including debt service or debt retirement).  

BEST FOR: Local governments and agencies; local housing authorities; local small business development organizations.


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