Public Safety

Ensuring our public safety is a responsibility we all share as Americans. I am committed to supporting our local first responders, law enforcement officers, and health care workers who work every day to keep our community safe.

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the essential role that emergency medical services play in communities across the country. That is why I am proud to sponsor the bipartisan EMS Counts Act, which would better support first responders and make sure our community has the resources we need to respond to health emergencies and natural disasters. This legislation would require the federal government to collect accurate, comprehensive data on the quantity, location, and training of first responders working throughout the United States. By doing so, we will address the chronic miscounting of first responders, particularly firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. This is essential to ensuring that communities like ours are able to quickly respond to emergencies, including outbreaks of disease and natural disasters.

In addition, I am committed to providing law enforcement officers with the resources they need to do their jobs and keep our communities safe. This is why I sponsored the bipartisan Safe Interactions Act to improve interactions between law enforcement officers and people with disabilities and mental health needs. The legislation aims to create safer communities and reduce violence towards people with disabilities by funding grants for stronger training programs for law enforcement officers. These grants will be used to create partnerships between non-profit disability organizations and law enforcement agencies to administer enhanced training for law enforcement officers regarding best practices when interacting with people with disabilities and mental health issues. 

During my time in Congress, I have also supported increases in funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance (Byrne JAG) Program and the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) programs. These important community safety programs provide local and state law enforcement with the resources, personnel, and programs needed to serve our communities. These programs help keep us safe through targeted violence prevention and mitigation initiatives.


More on Public Safety

August 29, 2022 Press Release

Allentown, PA — Today, U.S. Representative Susan Wild announced another $378,131.55 in secured federal fire operations and safety grants. This announcement comes just over one week after helping to secure more than $457,000 to fund critically needed resources for Allentown, Bethlehem, and Emmaus fire departments.

August 19, 2022 Press Release

Allentown, P.A.— Today, U.S. Representative Susan Wild announced $457,492.62 in federal fire operations and safety grants to fund critically needed resources to equip and train emergency personnel, enhance response capabilities, support community resilience, and protect the health and safety of the public and emergency personnel from fire and other related hazards.

July 29, 2022 Press Release

Washington D.C.— Today, Rep. Wild voted for historic legislation, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021, that will reinstate the assault weapons ban, a key action to ensure safer communities by preventing gun violence and keeping weapons of war off our streets.

June 24, 2022 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, June 24th, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) voted to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a historic piece of gun violence prevention legislation that will protect America’s children, keep our schools safe, and reduce the threat of gun violence across the country.

June 8, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Susan Wild voted to pass H.R. 7910, the Protecting Our Kids Act, a gun safety package that will help save lives and reduce prevalence of gun violence sweeping the United States.

April 22, 2022 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) led a bipartisan letter alongside Rep. William Timmons (SC-04) urging the Federal Trade Commission to act more aggressively to combat the sale of fake masks and crack down on all COVID-19 related fraudulent personal protective equipment, testing, and treatments.


December 17, 2021 Press Release

Washington D.C. – Today, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) voted to pass H.R. 5665, the Combating International Islamophobia Act introduced by Reps. Ilhan Omar (MN-05) and Jan Schakowsky (IL-09). During a House Foreign Affairs Committee markup late last week, Wild spoke in strong support of the legislation, which will require the State Department to create a Special Envoy for monitoring and combating Islamophobia and include state-sponsored Islamophobic violence and impunity in the Department’s annual human rights report.


December 9, 2021 Press Release

Washington D.C. – Last night, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) spoke on the floor shortly before her bill, the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act, passed the House. The bipartisan legislation received broad bipartisan support and heads back to the Senate for a final vote.


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October 29, 2021 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) announced a federal grant of $5,987,974 will be heading to Lehigh Valley International Airport thanks to the American Rescue Plan, which Rep. Wild fought for and helped pass in Congress. 


September 22, 2021 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Ahead of the White House’s COVID-19 summit today with leaders from around the world, Representative Susan Wild (PA-07) is leading a bipartisan coalition of members of Congress urging the Biden Administration to donate unused vaccine doses that would otherwise expire to developing countries urgently in need of more vaccines.

