
Currently, two vaccines have been approved by the FDA: the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which now is marketed as Comirnaty, and the Moderna vaccine, which is named Spikevax. Two COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for emergency use by the FDA: Janssen/Johnson & Johnson and Novavax.

All four vaccines have been approved by New York State's independent Clinical Advisory Task Force.

The vaccines are available at no cost.

Schedule Appointment

COVID-19 vaccines — including booster doses and pediatric doses for 6 months and older — are free and widely available statewide through pediatricians, doctors, healthcare providers, pharmacies, local health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, rural health clinics and other locations across New York State. Visit vaccines.gov or text your zip code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233 to find locations near you.

Find Vaccines

New York State Operated Vaccination Sites

Currently, all NYS operated COVID-19 mass vaccination sites are closed. Visit vaccines.gov or text your zip code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233 to find locations near you.

Process and Immune Response

Pfizer, Moderna, and the Novavax COVID-19 vaccines require two shots. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one shot.


Researchers do not yet know how long immunity after vaccination lasts. That’s why you must continue to wear a mask, wash your hands regularly and social distance.

Potential Side Effects after the Vaccination

You may not notice any changes in how you feel after getting the shot. But it’s also possible to feel a little “under the weather.” This can happen after any vaccine. It is the body’s immune response to getting vaccinated and a sign that the vaccine is starting to work.
After the COVID-19 vaccine, you may have:

  • A sore arm where you got the shot
  • A headache
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Tiredness

Over the counter pain relievers and fever reducers may help.
You should feel better in a day or two. If you still don't feel well after two or three days, talk to your health care provider.

Staying Safe

Stopping this pandemic will require using all tools available. Wearing masks, hand washing, and social distancing help lower your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others. A vaccine will help your body fight the virus if you are exposed.