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Fiscal Year 2023 Appropriations Community Project Funding Requests



Project Name:  Adolescent Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit

Requested Amount: $2,000,000

Intended Recipient: University of Mississippi Medical Center

Recipient Address: 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39216

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for the establishment of the medical center’s Adolescent Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit through renovation of existing hospital space to serve this critical need. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because caring for adolescents with behavioral and mental health needs is a priority for Federal funders, as evidenced by the appropriations increases in investment for outreach, research, treatments, and clinical trials. The current treatment resources for Mississippi families are severely limited, and investing in care facilities that also house clinical trials and the State’s only children’s hospital would be valuable to patients in our State.

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Project Name:  Army Aviation Support Facility 3

Requested Amount: $18,000,000

Intended Recipient: Mississippi National Guard

Recipient Address: 1553 65th Avenue South, Meridian, MS, 39307-7024

Request Explanation: The funding would expand and alter 34,740 square feet of the aircraft maintenance hangar to support six CH-47s for the 185th Aviation Brigade (Mississippi National Guard) in Meridian, Mississippi. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds, as it has been listed as a priority of the Mississippi National Guard Adjutant General for the previous three years. The current footprint of the Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) 3 is approximately 50 percent short of the mandated square footage for the maintenance and care of the CH-47s. The requested funding for the AASF 3 would allow the facility to meet the required square footage and reduce repair time and stress to the shop personnel, thereby increasing mission readiness and availability of the CH-47s.  

Additional Documents Part 1

Additional Documents Part 2

Financial Disclosure Certification


Project Name:  Bulldog Way Extended Improvements

Requested Amount: $4,200,000

Intended Recipient: Mississippi State University

Recipient Address: 3501 Lee Hall, P.O. Box BQ, Mississippi State, MS, 39762

Request Explanation: This funding would enable Mississippi State University (MSU) to extend Bulldog Way southerly across a soon-to-be intersection with Blackjack Road, across Oktoc Road, and tying to Hail State Boulevard. The project would allow for a more seamless and efficient exit around the east side of the MSU campus; reconfigure the southern internal campus road system for better connectivity; eliminate the need for Bulldog Way traffic to utilize the roundabout (to the west) in order to get to Oktoc (to go east); relieve the traffic burden off of Blackjack Road, Hardy Road, Stone Boulevard, and Oktoc Road; provide safer pedestrian and bike connections into campus; increase accessibility to this portion of campus; and flow better with the MSU long-term transportation and growth masterplan. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it would improve traffic flow and connectivity, increase pedestrian and bike safety into the MSU campus, increase mobility, and support opportunities for economic development.

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Project Name:  City of Ridgeland Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements

Requested Amount: $3,500,000

Intended Recipient: City of Ridgeland

Recipient Address: 100 W. School Street, Ridgeland, MS, 39157

Request Explanation: The funding would enable the City of Ridgeland, Mississippi, to construct a new well and new storage tank to address water supply shortage, storage capacity, and the presence of disinfection by-products in the system for the City. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because these investments would increase water quality, increase health and safety of local residents, and restore much-needed supply to the area.

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Project Name:  J.H. Fewell Water Treatment Plant, Repair Filter 10, 11, 13 and 15, 17, 18

Requested Amount:  $3,500,000

Intended Recipient: City of Jackson

Recipient Address: 2303 Laurel Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39202

Request Explanation: This project would repair six filters at the J.H. Fewell Water Treatment Plant, allowing increased water production for City of Jackson residents. The Plant was constructed in 1914, and the equipment the City seeks to repair with this funding request is well over 100 years old. The City of Jackson’s Department of Public Works has identified this filter repair request as a priority project request within the almost $340 million in immediate repairs needed for the City of Jackson’s water system. A properly functioning Plant with repairs done to the six filters would allow for redundancy in the water distribution system, increase water production, and contribute to the resiliency of the water system as the primary back-up water treatment plant for the City of Jackson’s residents, businesses, and institutions. This funding would also assist with satisfying the City of Jackson’s Administrative Order for Water from the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal government has long recognized water infrastructure investments as an appropriate use of federal taxpayer dollars through the various clean and drink water statutes – most relevantly, the Clean Water Act that created the Clean Water State Revolving Fund account upon which this request is based. The public health and community development implications of sound investments in water infrastructure are well documented, and this effort would address a critical need for the people of Jackson.

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Financial Disclosure Certification


Project Name:  Main Street Redesign and Redevelopment

Requested Amount: $4,000,000

Intended Recipient: City of Starkville

Recipient Address: 110 West Main Street, Starkville, MS, 39759

Request Explanation:The funding would be used to redesign and rehabilitate Main Street, including asphalt, roadway striping, sidewalk widening, pedestrian crosswalks, lighting, street trees, aging water infrastructure replacement along the corridor, and electric utility upgrading. This Main Street redesign project is geared to improve the downtown corridor and provide incentives for investment in the downtown connection that leads to the University. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because this investment would allow the City to increase access and inclusion for all and prepare the City for the next 50 years of growth and development.

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Project Name:  Meadville Police Department Patrol Vehicle

Requested Amount: $40,000

Intended Recipient: Town of Meadville

Recipient Address: 75 Main Street East, P.O. Box 309, Meadville, MS, 39653

Request Explanation: The Town of Meadville Police Department is requesting funding to purchase an additional patrol car. The Department’s current patrol car has mechanically started to break down, and the Department is not able to serve the community adequately. The funding would be used to purchase a patrol vehicle for the Meadville Police Department outfitted with safety features and specialized components for law enforcement. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds, as Meadville’s police force is a small-town police department that lacks funding to obtain needed patrol vehicles, causing police officers to respond to emergencies in their personal vehicles or rely on the County Sheriff’s Deputy for assistance.

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Project Name:  Mississippi Capitol Police Technology Improvements 

Requested Amount: $550,000

Intended Recipient: Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Capitol Police

Recipient Address: 1900 Woodrow Wilson Drive, P.O. Box 958, Jackson, MS, 39205

Request Explanation: Jackson, Mississippi, has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the United States. This crime spike places a burden on citizens, businesses, educational institutions, and government employees who live, work, and study in the area. The funding would be used to provide equipment, including automated license plate readers, dispatch consoles, and body cameras, for the Mississippi Capitol Police Department to be able to provide affirmative enforcement of the Capitol Complex Improvement District in the City of Jackson, Mississippi. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds, as the need for improvements in technology and equipment to effectively respond to threats is crucial to driving down the rates of violent crime and protecting lives, homes, and livelihoods.

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Project Name:  North Pearl Interceptor Rehabilitation  

Requested Amount: $3,500,000

Intended Recipient: City of Pearl

Recipient Address: 2420 Old Brandon Road, Pearl, MS, 39208

Request Explanation: The funding would enable the City of Pearl, Mississippi, to rehab 10,700 linear feet of certain wastewater interceptor to address leaks found and sliplining that are required to reduce significant infiltration/inflow into the new West Rankin Wastewater Treatment Plant. This wastewater interceptor serves approximately 11,000 residents. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the reduction in infiltration/inflow would allow the City of Pearl to reduce the cost of treating its wastewater in the regional system. This savings in cost would be passed on to the customers on the system.

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Project Name:  Rankin County Watershed Protection and Restoration Program

Requested Amount: $1,200,000

Intended Recipient: Rankin County Board of Supervisors

Recipient Address: 211 East Government Street A, Brandon, MS, 39042

Request Explanation: The funding would be used to support the Mill Creek and Richland Creek watershed projects, which are part of the Countywide Watershed-Based Stormwater Assessment and Management Plans. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the projects would help mitigate potential adverse economic and water quality impacts and enhance community resilience at the State and local levels. This initiative could become a model for a future statewide approach for managing diverse landscapes throughout Mississippi.

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Project Name:  Reunion Parkway Crossing

Requested Amount: $6,900,000

Intended Recipient: Madison County Board of Supervisors

Recipient Address: 125 West North Street Canton, MS, 39046

Request Explanation: The funding would enable Madison County, Mississippi, to help complete the Reunion Parkway Crossing project, an effort to modernize and expand the capacity of the local arterial transportation system between the City of Madison and the City of Gluckstadt. The project includes a bridge overpass across Interstate-55 and other features. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the project would result in significant safety enhancements for the motoring public through reductions in congestion on local arterials and on I-55, resulting in improved fuel efficiency, fewer traffic accidents, and reduced adverse air quality impacts.

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Project Name:  Town of Brooksville Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements

Requested Amount: $2,500,000

Intended Recipient: Town of Brooksville

Recipient Address: 13826 East Main Street, Brooksville, MS, 39739

Request Explanation: The funding would allow the Town of Brooksville, Mississippi, to construct certain water and wastewater system improvements for the Town, including a new water tank and supply well, lead service line replacement, elevated storage tank rehabilitation, pump station replacement, and wastewater lagoon repairs to comply with State and Federal permits. Additionally, the project would address low water pressure issues, as required by the Mississippi State Department of Health. The project also would likely require the replacement of lead pipes. The Town of Brooksville has the 24th lowest median income in the United States, which has impacted its ability to fund ongoing operation and maintenance on its physical infrastructure, including the water system. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because these investments would support safer drinking water for the residents of this community, while also promoting job growth, sustainable infrastructure, and economic development for the Town of Brooksville.

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Project Name:  Tucker Potable Water Treatment Plant

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Intended Recipient: Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians

Recipient Address: 101 Industrial Road, Choctaw, MS, 39350

Request Explanation: The funding would allow the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians to replace a potable water treatment plant serving the Tucker community of Neshoba County with a new 300 gallon per minute plant. The treatment train would consist of aeration, chemical dosing, and clarification, followed by pressure filtration, chlorination, and fluoridation, and an additional 300 gallon per minute plant would be added for redundancy. The Tucker system provides drinking water to approximately 200 homes. The system is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency under the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The existing drinking water plant in Tucker was constructed in 2002. Due to highly corrosive contamination of the ground water extracted from aquifers in this area of Mississippi, the Tucker plant has suffered considerable degradation over its 20-year service time and is in dire need of replacement.  Reduced reliability of service and water quality are common issues at the plant due to unpredictable component failures. Loss of function at this water plant would be an immediate threat to human health. Should the existing plant fail, there would be no potable drinking water available for backup service. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds, as it would help protect the health and safety of the approximately 200 residents of the Tucker community by ensuring that they have clean, potable drinking water.

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Project Name:  Unidentified and Missing Persons Digital and Skeletal Remains Repository

Requested Amount: $500,000

Intended Recipient: Mississippi Forensics Laboratory

Recipient Address: 215 Allen Stuart Drive, Pearl, MS, 39208

Request Explanation: The funding would allow the Mississippi Forensics Laboratory to cover the development of a centrally located repository for the curation of all skeletal remains and digital Unidentified Persons/Missing Persons information and the expenses associated with Forensic Generic Genealogical (FGG) testing Unidentified Persons cases and other forensic samples when traditional Combined DNA Index Systems fail or are not an option. This project would allow the Mississippi Forensics Laboratory to be self-sufficient in identifying victims and suspects. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because historically, there has been a lack of continuity in submission, retention, and deposition of unidentified human remains cases. Many have been transported out-of-state for analyses and subsequently, retained by those institutions, retained indefinitely by coroners or law enforcement agencies, cremated, or otherwise subject to inappropriate and/or unethical handling. In order to identify the unidentified, the Mississippi Forensics Lab must retain and curate the remains on site along with all documentation and biometrics that pertain to the case. This step is of critical importance to the citizens of the local community and state since all of these unidentified human remains cases have Mississippi provenience.

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Project Name:  WWTF Upgrade and Sewer Rehab/Replacement

Requested Amount: $3,500,000

Intended Recipient: Town of Pelahatchie

Recipient Address: 705 Second Street, Pelahatchie, MS, 39145

Request Explanation:  The funding would enable the Town of Pelahatchie to update the Town’s wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) to comply with new regulatory limits imposed on the facility. Specifically, the proposed WWTF upgrades would consist of installing at least four biological filter and appurtenances, installing a backup power generator, removing biosolids from existing lagoon cells, installing additional aerators to the existing lagoon cells, rehabilitating two inactive lagoon cells, and improving slopes and roads throughout the facility. Additionally, proposed upgrades to the Town’s collection system include replacing and upgrading wet wells, piping, valves, controls, SCADA, and pumps. The project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because these needed investments would be significant for the region’s industrial commerce, the Town’s citizens, and the health and safety of downstream users.


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