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Rep. Herrell Pushes for Oversight of John Kerry's Role in Biden Administration

October 4, 2022

WASHINGTON – Subcommittee on the Environment Ranking Member Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.) and House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) sent a letter to Secretary John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, expressing concern over his office’s lack of transparency and radical left-wing environmental organizations’ influence on the Biden Administration’s policy decisions.

The Republican lawmakers are reiterating their request for all documents and communications regarding the role of Secretary Kerry’s cabinet-level position and additionally, request the preservation of all information related to his duties.

“We write once again to request information regarding your role in the Biden Administration and to determine whether your office is being unduly influenced by outside interest groups,” wrote Herrell and Comer. “Recent reports raise more questions about your office’s lack of transparency and its relationship with radical left-wing environmental organizations. As such, we request information about the role of your office and your communications with third party organizations outside of the government. Additionally, please take efforts to preserve all documents related to these issues. While you serve in a cabinet-level position, the day-to-day functions of your office are shrouded in secrecy.” 

On June 14, 2021, Oversight Republicans initially sought information on Secretary John’s Kerry role and ability to unilaterally negotiate on behalf of the United States with foreign governments, especially with Communist China. The Biden Administration has failed to provide the Committee any information or clarity on the obscure position. New reports now reveal senior office officials are conducting off-the-record meetings, excessively redacting important information when responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and are meeting with multiple left-wing environmental groups who may be unduly influencing policy.     

“This lack of transparency is troubling and raises serious concerns about the motives behind preventing Congress and the American public from understanding the role of your office or even who works there,” continued the lawmakers. “It is critical that the American people understand what role your position as special presidential envoy for climate plays in shaping America’s energy policy. At a time when Americans are paying more for electricity and gasoline, the public deserve to understand your role in the government, how your office is spending their hard-earned tax dollars, who you employ to carry out your mission, and with which organizations you are consulting. Deliberate efforts to shield your office from oversight are unacceptable, and raise further questions about your role in policy making.” 

Read the letter here