Resilient Wisconsin

Adult and child looking at each other



Logo for Resilient Wisconsin: Connected. Stronger. Thriving.

Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity. We build it in ourselves, our relationships, and in our communities. It gives us the strength to overcome problems. It also helps us deal with large-scale events, like public health emergencies. The mission of Resilient Wisconsin is to give everyone in our state the opportunity to live their best lives. 

Pursuing health equity through upstream prevention

Many people must deal with a “broken bridge” in their life or community. That’s because health challenges can be like a strong current. They can quickly sweep us toward negative outcomes. When that happens, our ability to sink or swim can depend on our environment and experiences. 


Download our guide

Illustration of a river

Influences of conditions and experiences 

Take a closer look at some of the factors that can shape our well-being. They can affect our families and communities, too. 


Learn what impacts our well-being

Adult and child reading a book


Explore Resilient Wisconsin

Learn about resilience, how to build it in your life and your community, and resources available to help people and communities be connected, stronger, and thriving. 

Two adults smiling and laughing

Build strength and resilience

Learn strategies that you can use in the face of personal and community adversity. 

Smiling adults talking with each other

Locate help and support

Need a little help? Learn where you can reach out and connect for support. 

Two adults talking about what they see on a computer screen

Get resources and materials

There are lots of resources that can help you build resilience. 


Self-care tips for the holiday season

  • Don't freeze people out. Spend time with people who love and support you.
  • Chill out. Avoid overbooking yourself and don't feel guilty about making time for yourself.
  • Moderate the merriment. At all those holiday parties, eat and drink in moderation. Don't drink alcohol if you are feeling down.
  • Break out the ice skates. Take time to exercise, even if it's just taking a spin around the rink.
  • Get cozy. Sleep is important—make sure you're getting enough of it. 

Join our email list

Sign up to receive the monthly "Resilient Wisconsin: Trauma-Informed News and Notes" bulletin that features articles, funding opportunities, research, and training opportunities related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma, toxic stress, and more.

Connect with us

Tell us what you need to build resilience in your life and your community. Your feedback lets us know how we're doing and where we can improve. Send us an email.

Last Revised: November 24, 2022