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News - Remarks

Friday, Jan. 31, 2003
Trancript of Radio News Conference with Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman And Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services J.B. Penn U.S. Department of Agriculture

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2002
Trancript of USDA Briefing on Farm Bill Signup with USDA Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, J.B. Penn, Deputy Undersecretary Hunt Shipman and Farm Service Agency Administration Jim Little Washington D.C.

Friday, Nov. 15, 2002
Trancript of Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman To the National Association of Farm Broadcasters

Friday, Oct. 18, 2002
Trancript of Press Conference with Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman, Deputy Under Secretary Hunt Shipman, Chief Economist Keith Collins and Deputy Budget Director Scott Steele

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2002
Remarks by USDA Deputy Secretary Jim Moseley Biobased Products Stakeholders Forum Washington, DC

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2002
Transcript of Press Conference with Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Undersecretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agriculture J.B. Penn and USDA Chief Economist Keith Collins

Monday August 12, 2002
Transcript of Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services J.B. Penn Chief Economist Keith Collins Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Hunt Shipman and Congressman John Thune of South Dakota Regarding farm bill programs, the August crop report, drought assistance Washington, D.C.

Thursday, July 11, 2002
Transcript on Farm Bill Implementation, Trade and Related Matters With Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman, Chief Economist Keith Collins, Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Hunt Shipman and Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service Bruce Knight

Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Transcript of Press Conference Regarding Farm Bill Implementation With Chief Economist Keith Collins, Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief Bruce Knight, and Farm Service Agency Administrator Jim Little Washington D.C.

Friday, June 7, 2002
Transcript of Media Availablity Secretary Ann M. Veneman June 7, 2002 Topics of Discussion include the World Food Summit, Homeland Security, Farm Bill Implementation, Russia Poultry and China

Monday, June 3, 2002
Transcript of Press Conference on Conservation Provisions of the Farm Bill Mark Rey, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and the Environment J.B. Penn Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Bruce Knight, Chief Natural Resources Conservation Service Jim Little, Administrator of the Farm Service Agency Washington D.C.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Regarding Country of Origin Labeling Provisions in the New Farm Bill

Wednesday, May 22, 2002
Transcript of Foreign Press Center Briefing with J.B. Penn, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services on the 2002 Farm Bill and the Implications for World Trade

Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Statement by Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding Farm Bill Criticism May 21, 2002 During farm media event in Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Transcript of Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, J.B. Penn Chief Economist Keith Collins Farm Service Agency Administrator James Little Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Remarks by Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Meeting with FSA and NRCS Employees Regarding Farm Bill Implementation

Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Recorded Multimedia Streaming of the Secretary on the 2002 Farm Bill   

Monday, May 13, 2002
Transcript by The President Upon Signing the Farm Bill

Statement by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman On the President's Signing of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002

Recorded Audio Streaming of the President Signing the 2002 Farm Bill

Friday, May 3, 2002
Remarks of Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Before the International Policy Council on Agriculture, Food and Trade Ottawa, Canada

Thursday, May 2, 2002
President to Sign Farm Bill - Statement by the President

April 29, 2002
Remarks of Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman, Interior Secretary Gale Norton and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Todd Whitman To the National Association of Farm Broadcasters

April 26, 2002
Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Regarding Conference Committee Farm Bill Agreement

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