The United States of America in Equatorial Guinea

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Education and Cultural Exchanges

The Cultural Section is a component of the Public Affairs Section. Its major objective is to promote mutual understanding and broaden dialogue between Americans and their institutions and their Equato-Guinean counterparts through thematic, educational and cultural exchange programs.

The Fulbright Program enables Equato-Guineans to obtain advanced degrees and/or conduct research in the United States; at the same time, American scholars are awarded grants to study or conduct research in Equatorial Guinea.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program enables mid-level professionals from Equatorial Guinea to go to U.S for a year of academic study and professional internships.

The International Visitor Program sends Equato-Guineans to the U.S for three-to-four week visits to meet and confer with professional counterparts and to experience first hand the United States and its institutions.

The Citizen Exchange Program develops international exchange grant projects with American non-profit institutions, including voluntary community organizations, professional associations, and universities.

Other exchange programs such as the Study of the U.S Program, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institutes for Secondary and University Educators, and CIVITAS International send Equato-Guineans on exchange programs to the U.S and to coonferences in other countries.

The Educational Advising Center assists Equato-Huineans who wish to apply to universities in the U.S for undergraduate and graduate study.

The Artistic Ambassador Program sends gifted young American musicians to perform to Equatorial Guinea and to work with musicians and music students. The program generally sends one to two groups to Equatorial Guinea annually.

The U.S Speaker Program sends Americans representing government, business, academia, media and commmunity organizations for short-term speaking programs in Equatorial Guinea.

Thematic programs: The Cultural Section regularly hosts seminars, conferences and roundtables on numerous themes.

Book Distribution: During Speaker Programs as well as Cultural Affairs section-generated programs, publications and pamphlets of the Bureau of International Information Program are distributed to participants. More than 10.000 booklets, pamphlets, and brochures are distributed annually.

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