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Lightning Safety Program
Factsheets & Publications


Lightning Statistics

Safety at Work & Play


Policy Statements





Other Resources
National Lightning Safety Institute   Talking About Disaster Guide

An independent, non-profit consulting, education and research organization advocating risk management for lightning hazard mitigation.

Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages. Produced by the National Disaster Education Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999.

Lightning Injury Research   Local National Weather Service Links
Mary Ann Cooper, Principal Investigator. University of Illinois at Chicago.
US Air Force 45th Weather Squadron   Lightning Info from NASA

Lightning Safety Information from the 45th Weather Squadron, Exploiting the Weather To Assure Safe Access To Air And Space

NCAA Lightning Safety Guidelines   NOAA's National Severe Storms Laboratory
NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook contains guidelines for lightning safety

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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