

Upcoming Events in Bioethics

Upcoming Bioethics Events - maintained by,a resource of The American Journal of Bioethics

International Calendar of Bioethics Events - maintained by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

International Meetings Diary - maintained by the Bulletin of Medical Ethics

NIH Inter-Institute Bioethics Interest Group has monthly meetings for those who are interested in discussing a wide range of topics in bioethics.

Current and upcoming Ethics Grand Rounds and past rounds at the NIH

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R;) - a national organization dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary forum for addressing biomedical and bioethical issues; Calendar of national meetings that focus on medicine, animal, and human studies.

Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) - partner to PRIM&R; - site contains links to resources and provides information related to the application of ethical principles, governmental regulations, and other policies involved with research and clinical practice. Two annual meetings are held each year for animal and human subjects research.


Last updated: 07/25/02 10:30 AM