



Gene Patentin

What can patented - Excerpted from "General Information Concerning Patents print brochure" by the US Patent and Trademark Office

Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) interim revised utility guidelines - these guidelines affect the patenting of genes. (scroll down to "Patent and Trademark Office" on contents page).

HUGO (Human Genome Organisation) Statement on Patenting of DNA Sequences - In Particular Response to the European Biotechnology Directive (April 2000)

The SNP Consortium Ltd - a non-profit foundation organized for the purpose
of providing public genomic data. Its mission is to develop up to 300,000 SNPs
distributed evenly throughout the human genome and to make the information
related to these SNPs available to the public without intellectual property

DNA Patent Database - a joint project of the Georgetown University's Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the Foundation for Genetic Medicine, allows free public access to the full text and analysis of all DNA patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). This database enables users to conduct boolean searches of the full text of the patents and of delimited fields. The DPD is being created, with a particular focus on issued claims, to enable relevant empirical studies of actual DNA-based patents.

Last updated: 01/01/01 6:53 PM