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Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I get WISER?

A: WISER is currently available only through download from the internet. Please go to the Download page. If you are unable to download and would like a CD, please email Customer Service, listed below.

Q: How do I install WISER?

A: After downloading the Windows installer for WISER, you should double-click on it and follow the instructions it presents. The Download page also has installation instructions.

Q: What Palm OS version is required?

A: WISER requires Palm OS version 3.5 or above. It has been tested on devices running Palm OS 3.5.3, 4.0, 4.1, and 5.2.1. It has also been tested on the Palm OS emulator and simulator.

Q: How much memory is required?

A: The Operational version of WISER requires approximately 13 megabytes of space for the databases and application. The vast majority of the space is for the substance information rather than the application. The application is able to read from either the device RAM or from an expansion card; the expansion card has been tested on Palm OS 4 and Palm OS 5 devices.

Q: Installation to the device is very slow!?

A: The databases for WISER are large, so they will take several minutes to install. For a USB connection, installation time is generally about 10 minutes. However, there are issues with earlier versions of the Palm Desktop that cause the installation to be significantly slower. It is recommended that you upgrade your Palm Desktop software to the latest from the Palm website at

Q: I downloaded the prototype last year, what do I do to install the Operational version?

A: The Operational version will uninstall the WISER prototype from your computer and replace the application and databases on your device. You should not need to do anything to the existing prototype installation.

Q: This FAQ doesn't answer my question; how do I get my question answered?

A: Please go to the Feedback/Comments page and let us know what the question is. We will do our best to answer and also add your question to this FAQ.