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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)-Programs in Nicaragua


The United States Department of Agricultural Service office in Nicaragua, located inside the U.S. Embassy, tel: (505) 266-6010 ext: 4621, e-mail: AgManagua@fas.usda.gov Information on programs can be also obtained at http://www.fas.usda.gov

The program offers information on:

Professional short-term scholarships. The program is called the Cochran scholarship, and it is geared towards working professionals. This is open to farmers, importers, bakeries, government agencies, institutions of higher education, bankers, distributors, supermarkets and other fields that have interests in U.S. agricultural products. The length of the training ranges from one week to three months with the average being within a two week time frame. Most training is in English, and applicants need to be able to pay for their own round-trip airfare to the United States. USDA covers hotel and transportation costs within the U.S. To apply, please contact the FAS office, request the Cochran application, and return it by January 30.

Trade fairs. Information is available on trade shows inside the United States that promote agricultural products. This includes America's Food & Beverage in November, Seed Expo in December, U.S. Food Export Showcase in May, National Restaurant Association Show in May, Produce Marketing Association Convention & Expo in October, World Dairy Expo in October, as well as other shows.

Credit for local importers. Credit is available for importers and/or users of U.S. agricultural products. Banks in Nicaragua, including Bancentro, BAC and Banexpo, currently have access to credit for U.S. ag exports such as rice, cotton, live animals, cattle semen and other products as well infrastructure that accommodate U.S. ag exports, such as storage, processing, and handling facilities. If interested, please visit the FAS web site to gather background additional information, and request an appointment with the International Division of the indicated banks to inquire about the credit.

U.S. Suppliers. FAS maintains a contact list of Nicaraguan government officials, importer contacts in Nicaragua and the United States. FAS provides contacts of U.S. exporters of agricultural products of farm and/or natural environment origin to interested importers. Products vary from supermarket products to cotton, cattle semen, leather, fish products, etc. Not included are contacts in machinery, fertilizers, etc. This list of contacts is available through the FAS website in the area of U.S. Suppliers. Additional contacts made be obtained through FAS. offices as well as state departments of agriculture.

Food Aid and Technical Assistance. USDA manages U.S. foreign aid in the areas of sending bulk commodities to countries and providing technical assistance for economic development and resource management. The bulk commodities can be used; used directly in feeding programs or; sold, whereby the proceeds can be used in government sponsored programs. The local FAS. office gets involved with market analyses to identify how proposed commodity imports impact local supermarkets and professional associations to provide to U.S. exporters. It also producers and importers, and FAS. can comment on proposals by Non-Government-Organizations (NGOs) before USDA awards contracts.

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