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The Simplified Network Application Process (SNAP)

[For the Submission of License Applications, Commodity Classification Requests, and High Performance Computer Notices]

"SNAP" PIN Request Package

SNAP was created to give you, the exporter, the option to submit requests for export, reexport, notification, or item classification, via the Internet. You must have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access SNAP. The procedures and requirements for obtaining and using a PIN are set forth in section 748.7 of the Export Administration Regulations.

You may obtain a PIN by sending an "Electronic Submission Letter", on your company’s letterhead, with a corporate officer signature, to the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Each individual who will be submitting requests must have his or her own PIN and must have signed the PIN holders certification. The company officer who signs the company certification must also sign the PIN holder certification portion of the letter in order to receive a PIN. The Electronic Submission Letter cannot be faxed to BIS.

BIS will convey PINs to authorized users by telephone. The PIN will be five numeric digits. Individuals may select their own PINs and indicate their preference when contacted by the Bureau of Industry and Security.

Each applicant company granted authorization to use SNAP will be assigned a Company Identification Number (CIN). An applicant company shall reveal the assigned CIN only to the PIN holders, their supervisors, employees, or agents of the applicant company with a commercial justification for knowing the company identification number.

PIN holders must not:

  1. Disclose the PIN to anyone except BIS (including supervisors or coworkers);

  2. Record the PIN either in writing or electronically;

  3. Authorize another person to use such PIN (including supervisors or coworkers);

  4. Use the PIN following termination of his/her authorization for PIN use by the Bureau of Industry and Security or by the applicant company.

To prevent misuse of the PIN:

  1. You and the PIN holder must report the loss, theft, or compromise of a PIN immediately by calling BIS at (202) 482-3290, the Western Regional Office at (949) 660-0144, or the Northern California Branch Office at (408) 998-7402 and confirm the report in writing within two business days; and

  2. You must immediately notify BIS whenever a PIN holder leaves employment with your company or otherwise ceases to be authorized by your company to submit applications via the Internet on its behalf.

Internet Submissions

The Internet submission shall constitute an export control document. Such submissions shall provide the same information as a written submission. Support documentation required by Part 748 including brochures and specifications may be submitted using facsimile numbers (202) 219-9179 or (202) 219-9182 or by courier.

You will receive a control number electronically. You must use this control number on all specifications and brochures submitted to support the request.

A document submitted electronically has the same legal affect as one submitted on paper and you are as accountable for the accuracy of the statements you make electronically as you are for statements made on paper. We will not consider your submission to be complete until we receive the appropriate supporting documents, such as brochures and specifications.

Maintenance of Records

You shall maintain a log, either manually or electronically, specifying the date and time of each Internet submission, the ECCNs of the items or the description of the items on each Internet submission, and the name of the employee or agent making the submission. This log may not be altered. Written corrections must be made in a manner that does not erase or cover original entries. If the log is maintained electronically, corrections may only be made as notations.


You shall promptly notify BIS of any change in your company name or address. If your company wishes to have an individual added as a PIN holder, your company shall so advise BIS and proceed in accordance with the instructions BIS will provide. Applicant companies should make periodic reviews to ensure that PINs are held only by individuals whose current responsibilities make it necessary and appropriate that they act for the applicant company in this capacity.

Electronic Submission Letter

Important Notice!See Company Certification letter for SNAP electronic submissions. Since this letter must be provided to BIS in a hard copy and on company letterhead, we recommend that you "cut and paste" the text of the sample letter on to a copy of your company letterhead.  Then just fill in the blanks (i.e. applicant company, etc.), insert the pin holder information and add original signatures.

SNAP - Third Party Electronic Submissions

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) permits third parties to submit license applications and classification requests on behalf of exporters and reexporters via SNAP. In order for third parties to be authorized to make electronic submissions to SNAP they must submit a certification letter.

Important Notice!See Third Party Certification letter for SNAP electronic submissions. Since this letter must be provided to BIS in a hard copy and on company letterhead, we recommend that you "cut and paste" the text of the sample letter on to a copy of your company letterhead.  Then just fill in the blanks (i.e. applicant company, etc.), insert the pin holder information and add original signatures.


If you have questions about applying for a PIN you may contact:


Name Phone Number E-mail Address for Inquiries ONLY

Lenora Baylor


Email Ms. Baylor

Joseph Tosto

949 660-0144 ext 122 

Email Mr. Tosto

Jo Allyn Scott  

408 998 7402

Email Ms. Scott

Please Note: PIN requests that are faxed or emailed WILL NOT be accepted or processed. The email addresses above are for asking questions, NOT the submission of PIN request Certification letters.



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