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Public Affairs Section

Known as the American Center, the Public Affairs Section explains and advocates U.S. foreign policy, American culture, and society while promoting dialogue between the U.S. and Tunisia through a variety of educational exchange programs, media relations, cultural activities, and English language training support.

Principal staff in the Public Affairs Section:

Philip Breeden Public Affairs Officer
Stephanie Syptak
Assistant Public Affairs Officer/Information Officer
Ann Donick
Cultural Affairs

Short description of the different offices and programs in the Public Affairs Sections are provided below:

The Press Office:

Disseminats and explains U.S. foreign policy. Provides information and assistance to Tunisian media sources and handles all media inquiries concerning official U.S. government policy. Official texts, transcripts, and statements about U.S. foreign policy via the daily Washington File , electronic journals , and press releases are available to local media. The Press Office also organizes press conferences and interviews with U.S. officials and academics, both in person and via American Embassy Television and Digital Video Conferences

The Cultural and Exchange Office :

Manages a variety of educational exchange programs  and cultural activities that promote professional, academic, and cultural relations between Tunisia and the United States. It also works closely with Tunisian institutions in organizing workshops, lectures, and presentations by U.S. academics, specialists, writers, and artists.

The English Language Program:

The Public Affairs Section at the US Embassy Tunis and the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) based in Rabat promote English Language Programs in Tunisia. The focus of these programs is professional development programs for English teachers and teacher trainers. The RELO contributes to an exchange of language and cultural expertise by facilitating the placement of senior and junior English Language Fellows to teach at Tunisian Universities, organizes seminars and training sessions in support of English Teaching, and provides financial support to Tunisian researchers and scholars to attend international conventions such as TESOL and AAAL.

The Information Resource Center:

The research and reference center of the U.S. Embassy. It provides Tunisians with up-to-date information on American politics, news and opinions, government, society, history, and culture. The IRC is open to the public and hosts a non-circulating reference collection of over 3000 books, 40 print periodicals, 600 videos – including feature films -- and 100 CD-ROM databases. The IRC also offers access to a wide variety of on-line databases via the Internet, including full-text periodical databases such as Factiva, Infotrac, Lexis-Nexis, FirstSearch and Proquest. Trained IRC information specialists are available to help you find the information you need in the most effective way possible. Queries are accepted by telephone, e-mail, or in person during working hours.

Zone Nord-Est des Berges du Lac Nord de Tunis 2045 La Goulette Tunisie              Tel: (216) 71-107-000 Fax: (216) 71-962-115