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What does Landsat 7 do?
Landsat 7 takes pictures of the earth and sends the data to the ground stations around the world.

What is Landsat 7?
In 1992, the U.S. Congress authorized the procurement, launch and operation of a new Landsat satellite. This new system, Landsat 7, was launched in April, 1999. It is latest in a series of earth observation satellites dating back to 1972. The thirty year record of data acquired by the Landsat satellites constitutes the longest continuous record of the earth's continental surfaces. Preservation of the existing record and continuation of the Landsat capability were identified in the law as critical to land surface monitoring and global change research. Landsat 7 has a unique and essential role in the realm of earth observing satellites in orbit. No other system matches Landsat's combination of synoptic coverage, high spatial resolution, spectral range and radiometric calibration. In addition, the Landsat Project is committed to providing Landsat digital data to the user community in greater quantities, more quickly and at lower cost than at any previous time in the history of the Project. The earth observing instrument on Landsat 7, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), replicates the capabilities of the highly successful Thematic Mapper instruments on Landsat 4 and 5*. The ETM+ also includes new features that make it a more versatile and efficient instrument for global change studies, land cover monitoring and assessment, and large area mapping than its design forebears. The primary new features on Landsat 7 are:
  • a panchromatic band with 15m spatial resolution
  • on board, full aperture, 5% absolute radiometric calibration
  • a thermal IR channel with 60m spatial resolution

Landsat 7 and ETM+ Characteristics:

Band Number Spectral Range(microns) Ground Resolution(m)
.45 to .515 30
.525 to .605 30
.63 to .690 30
.75 to .90 30
1.55 to 1.75 30
10.40 to 12.5 60
2.09 to 2.35 30
.52 to .90 15

Swath width: 185 kilometers
Repeat coverage interval: 16 days (233 orbits)
Altitude: 705 kilometers
Quantization: Best 8 of 9 bits
On-board data storage: ~375 Gb (solid state)
Inclination: Sun-synchronous, 98.2 degrees
Equatorial crossing: Descending node; 10:00am +/- 15min.
Launch vehicle: Delta II
Launch date: April 1999

The instrument is supported by a ground network that receives ETM+ data via X-band direct downlink only at a data rate of 150 Mbps. The primary receiving station at the US Geological Survey's (USGS) EROS Data Center (EDC) in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Substantially cloud- free, land and coastal scenes will be acquired by EDC through real-time downlink, and by playback from an on-board, solid state, recording device. The capacities of the satellite, instrument and ground system are sufficient to allow for continuous acquisition of all substantially cloud free scenes at the primary receiving station. In addition, a world-wide network of receiving stations is able to receive real-time, direct downlink of image data via X-band. Each station is able to receive data only for that part of the ETM+ ground track where the satellite is in sight of the receiving station.

The Landsat 7 systeminsures continuity of Thematic Mapper type data into the next centuries. These data are made available to all users through EDC at the cost of fulfilling user requests. Browse data (a lower resolution image for determining image location, quality and information content) and metadata (descriptive information on the image) will be available, on-line, to users within 24 hours of acquisition of the image by the primary ground station. EDC will process all Landsat 7 data received to "Level 0R" ( i.e. corrected for scan direction and band alignment but without radiometric or geometric correction) and archive the data in that format. A systematically corrected product (Level 1G) will be generated and distributed to users on request. The user hasthe option of performing further processing on the data on user-operated digital processing equipment or by a commercial, value added firm.

The Landsat 7 spacecraft, built by Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The ETM+ instrument is a product of Hughes Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. Construction of both is managed through contracts between the manufacturers and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

The Landsat Project, as defined by Congress in 1992 and amended by Presidential Decision Directive/NSTC-3 in May, 1994, is managed cooperatively by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the USGS. Responsibility for construction of the spacecraft and instrument lied with NASA. The Landsat Project is part of the NASA's global change initiative - the Earth Observing System, administered by the NASA Office of Mission to Planet Earth. Landsat 7 will be operated by NOAA. Data processing, archiving and distribution will be performed by USGS with direction from NOAA. These functions are executed in coordination with the EDC Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) at EDC.

*The ETM+ is similar to the ETM instrument on Landsat 6. Landsat 6 was launched in October, 1993, but failed to obtain orbit.

When is Landsat 7 going over my house?

An orbit is completed approximately every 99 minutes allowing the spacecraft to achieve over 14 orbits a day. Therefore, total coverage of the Earth occurs in 16 days. The descending orbit from north to south crosses the equator between 10:00 and 10:15 (local time) on each pass.

Can an acquisition request be made for a specific geographic area and temporal period?

Data acquisition requests will not be available to the public due to the robust nature of the Landsat 7 Long Term Acquisition Plan (LTAP). The LTAP was derived from recommendations put forth by the scientific community. The purpose of the plan is to optimize the use of the Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ (ETM+) to create a global archive of the processes on the planet's land surfaces. The LTAP takes into account the calibration plan, planned satellite maneuvers, and international imaging needs.

The Mission Operation Center (MOC) schedules a 48-hour set of activities based on a number of criteria, including global refresh requirements, request priority, solid state recorder or other resource availability, and cloud cover predictions. After the Flight Operations Team (FOT) has iterated through the scheduling function and resolved all conflicts, the MOC will pass the 48-hour schedule to the load generation function for final compilation. To view the 24 hour expected acquisition schedule, please go to:

For additional info on the LTAP, please go to:


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