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U.S. Department of Labor
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United States Employment Services

"The Employment and Workforce Information Service"

The Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 established a nationwide system of public employment offices that are known as the Employment Service. This system has provided high quality job seeker and employer labor exchange service and information for over sixty years. The Employment Service has been known by many names including the Job Service, the "Labor Board" and the "Unemployment Office". But by any name there is no question that the Employment Service has fulfilled the employment related information and service needs of millions nationwide.

The Wagner-Peyser Act was amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). The WIA amendments transformed the Employment Service into the foundation of a One-Stop delivery system. The Wagner-Peyser funded Employment Service now provides the universal access to core services and an integrated array of labor exchange and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services delivered through One-Stop Career Centers nationwide.

In addition, the WIA amendments under Section 309 Employment Statistics, charged the Secretary of Labor to oversee the development, maintenance and continuous improvement of a nationwide employment statistics system of employment statistics. In partnership with State Workforce Agencies and the Bureau of Labor Statistics access employment statistics and labor market information through One-Stop Career Centers and the world-wide-web is being continuously improved.

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Compliance Assistance

Employment Services
Wagner-Peyser Act
Employer Services
Labor Exchange
Re-Employment Services
Tax Credit Programs

Workforce Info
Workforce Info Council
State LMI Websites
Labor Surplus Areas

Performance / Reports
Annual Report
ET HB #406
Slide Shows
RPT Validation

Staff Contact Info
USES Staff
Regional Office Staff

Successful Practices
NCS Award
NASWA State Practices

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