Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), a government owned facility operated by the University of Chicago for the Department of Energy (DOE). TD focuses on R&D in nuclear-related technologies, including nonproliferation (RERTR), environmental remediation (Decontamination & Decommissioning), fusion power, and new initiatives in a variety of promising technologies (lasers, robotics, advanced computing, aerosols).
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Maps, Directions and Lodging Featured Technology

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Driving Directions

From O'Hare International Airport
When leaving the airport area, take I-190 East towards Chicago. Take the tollway I-294 South towards Indiana. Take I-55 South towards St. Louis. Take the exit South Cass Ave and make a right turn onto Northgate Road at the ANL sign. Driving time: appr. 30 minutes.

From Midway Airport
When leaving the airport area, make a left turn onto Cicero Ave North. Make a left turn onto I-55 South towards St. Louis. Take the exit South Cass Ave and make a right turn onto Northgate Road at the ANL sign. Driving time: appr. 20 minutes.

From Chicago
Take I-55 South towards St. Louis. Take the exit South Cass Ave and make a right turn onto Northgate Road at the ANL sign. Driving time: appr. 45 minutes.

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Chicago area map
Chicago area map
(49K GIF file)

Highway Map

This map shows the suburbs surrounding Argonne National Laboratory and the highways leading to the Laboratory. Interstate 55 (Stevenson) is located just north of Argonne and the exit South Cass Ave is just north of Northgate Road, the street leading directly to Argonne's main gate.

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Highway map
Highway map
(44K GIF file)

Highway Exits and Gates Map

This map shows the streets and highways surrounding Argonne National Laboratory and the entry gates to the Laboratory. Interstate 55 (Stevenson) is located just north of Argonne and the exit South Cass Ave is just north of Northgate Road, the street leading directly to Argonne's main gate. The exit South Lemont Road is located just north of Westgate Road and may be used to enter Argonne through the West Gate (limited access for visitors).
More general driving directions...

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Highway exits
Highway exits
(24K GIF file)


ANL Gates and Building Location

This map shows the location within Argonne National Laboratory of Building 360 (Home of the Technology Development Division) and other buildings where TD is present. After entering Argonne through the Main Gate on Northgate Road, make an immediate left turn to Outer Circle Road. Follow Outer Circle Road and then turn left on Southwood Drive. Take then once more left to Rock Drive. Building 360 will be on the right side of the road.

Lodging at the ANL Guest House

A Guest House located within the ANL campus offers various lodging possibilities. More...

ANL map
ANL map
(46K GIF file)


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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy


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Last modified on January 06, 2004 16:15 -0600